Oasis Settlement in Od | World Anvil
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“The land of opportunity, where anyone can do anything, and that includes stealing your coin purse so keep an eye on that.”
Smack dab in the middle of the Black Rock Desert, some mad man, or elf rather, named Lord Saladin decided to start a town. Somehow, it worked! Oasis belongs to no nation, alliance or empire; it belongs only to itself and it's people. And Lord Saladin. Well, mostly Lord Saladin.   It’s a very wealthy city, probably the wealthiest in the world. It’s where the rich get richer and the not so rich try too.   The city is open to all kinds of people from all walks of life. Because of this there is a large teifling and dragonborn population since they are, let's say, not very popular in other parts of the world. There is also a large population of dwarves due to the gold and gem mines nearby, which is part of what makes the city so wealthy.  

Sultans and Sultanas

Each district in the city is run by it's own Sultan or Sultana, each with their own rules more or less, but all must answer to Lord Saladin or be barred from the city. The Sultan's form the Sultanate, a sort of city council. The city is made up of 7 districts, divided more or less by trade/faction:
  • Miners
  • Smithers
  • Jewelers
  • Merchants
  • Artisans
  • Mercs
  • Construction

Mining for Money

There are many gem and gold mines that can be found around the desert. It's dangerous work, but man does it pay well. First you need to find a mine, then find a way to find it again through all the shifting sand, then get people and equipment out to the mine, actually start mining, then get it all back to town all while dodging duststorms, navigating the maze-like desert, and fending off the many desert threats like the Yuan-ti.
They're always looking for some extra man power, so if you want a bit of excitement and a chance at a whopping amount of money, you can't go wrong here.

District Owners

  • Dwarf Man
  • Dwarf Lady
  • Dragonborn Lady
  • Halfing Lady
  • Teifling Man
  • Dragonborn Lady
  • Teifling Lady


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