Black Rock Desert Geographic Location in Od | World Anvil
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Black Rock Desert

The Shifting Sea of Sand

This desert is located north of Atheria and south of Arithia, providing a natural barrier between the two nations.   The sands like to shift and sway, paths that were once safe may not exist the next day. Traversing the desert is a dangerous and skilled task meant only for the more expereinced survivalists. Travel for those without their sand boots is usually done through sand slips, boat-like craft designed to flow through the shifting sands and use sails to propel them.   A number of solid, unshifting areas are scattered about the desert, small islands and oasises that provide some respite between the dunes of sands.  


The desert itself is mostly empty, but is very dangerous. One of the biggest problems, other than just surviving the heat, are the Yaun-Ti, ruthless snake people that sacrifice and enslave others for their own evil needs.   The desert has an effect of draining peoples magic. Often one will find themselved unable to perform spells and abilities while wandering the desert. This effect is pronouced more in certain areas, while some areas don't affect magic at all. This is why if you travel through the desert, it's impertinent to find an expereineced guide to take you through the safe spots.   As a result of the magic draining effect of the desert, some alternative physical technologies have popped up to help make up for the lack of magic. One such technology is the Portable Cannon. Mainly coming in two forms, an Arm Cannon (rifle) and Hand Cannon, these devices shoot a lead projectile at incredible speeds  

Notable Organizations

  • Oasis
  • Jakie's Rabbits - a bandit group that travles through the desert on Jackalopes.
  • Thri-kreen tribes - at least three major ones
  • Yaun-Ti/Order of Merrshaulk
  • Desert Guides
  • Airship Services
  • Sand Slippers
  • Creatures and Inhabitants


    Thri-kreen are known to wander the desert. Bug people that aren’t exactly hostile, but are known to attack and eat people if they are too hungry. Those found in settlements are usually willing to help those lost in the desert, and can often be hired as guides.  


    Yaun-Ti are a corrupted people, minds tainted and bodies with snake-like attributes. They often lead plots to kidnap and sacrifice people wandering the deserts and employ many tactics to do so, from straight up kidnapping to more subtle persuasion and bribery. Be sure to avoid them whenever possible.  


    Native to the southern part of the desert, Jackalopes are giant rabbits with antlers that are often tamed and used as transport through the desert.
    Location under
    Included Organizations


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