Price Whincely Character in Od | World Anvil
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Price Whincely (Price Wince-lee)

Price Whincely is a halfling, standing about 3 and a half feet tall. He is a researcher at the Alywix Academy. He has full, medium length brown styled back hair, and a bushy mustache and mutton chops. His light colored face, and hair for that matter is hidden behind a thin layer of some kind of sooty material, and some scientific looking goggles placed on top of his head. You imagine he wears them often, as there is a lack of soot around his eyes in the shape of the goggles. He wears a simple linen button up shirt tucked into his tan burlap-esc trousers wrapped in a pocket riddled apron. Reaching down to his semi-scuffed yellow leather shoes. His hands are covered in elbow length, leather yellow dyed gloves. His clothes bear that same sooty material. He seems to carry the faint smell of sulfur wherever he goes.  

Areas of Interest

Whincely interests are mainly of the horticultural, although you might not know if from looking at him. He isn’t exactly known to have a green thumb, as most of his experiments ends in many dead, sometimes deranged, plants. Rumor has it that he’s been cursed by Pum, or some other nature deity, for his atrocities against plant-kind.
His time at the academy is mainly spent researching plants; how to grow them, how to kill them, how to use them. He also spends a great deal attending to the forest, making sure it grows healthy. He seems to be one of the only please the Groundskeeper of the academy has an interest in being around.  


Whincely can be known for being a bit eccentric at times. Like when he traveled across the Crimson Sea to try and gather a legendary spice in an attempt to cultivate it for his breakfast. Or when climbed the peaks of Fendorval Mountains in search of the Ice Wind fruit because he was sick of just how dang hot it got in the summer. Or when he got a pet mimic. Or when he named it Surly.  


Surly can usually be found as a chest lying in the shadows around Whincely, but it’s been known to take many forms, attaching itself to objects to change it’s form as it pleases. A book, a coat rack, a beaker from one of Whincely’s active experiments. It’s not usually aggressive, and can even be playful at time, but it can be shy, especially around new people.
Whincely tries to get new and interesting objects for Surly, that it might turn into them. Overtime, this has lead to a sort of language being developed, with each object/shape communicating a feeling or idea. It's similar to how Kenku's speak, but with visuals instead of sound, how exciting!  

How Wincely met Surly

Whincely found Surly one fateful day as he was plundering the ruins of a long lost agricultural society. Whincely was hoping to find evidence of a long forgotten agricultural technique when he stumbled upon a collection of runes carved into small stones. Each stone had a unique rune, except for two which had the same rune inscribed in them. Baffled, he decided to continue his research in his lab at the academy, only to find the duplicate stone was no longer duplicated! A quick recount and he is actually one stone short, egads! "Someone has stolen my stone!" - he dramatically shouted to no one. As he was packing to go search for his missing rock he was startled to find he now had two rucksacks! "I must be going crazy! Are the years finally taking their toll on this massive brain of mine!? Or perhaps I accidentally inhaled some spores of a hallucinatory variety?! Or perhaps those ruins were cursed and I'm now fated down a path of lunacy!" Whincely dramatically fells to his knees, screaming to the heavens, seemingly embracing his new mental state. At that moment one of the rucksacks opened up, revealing a soft, wet, purple interior surrounded by sharp jagged teeth. It lunged onto Whincely, covering half his body with its new mouth. "OH!" Whincely exclaimed, muffled. "I'm not crazy, it's a mimic! What wonderful news!" A few moments inside the beast, and it quickly lost interest and spit him out. It seems the cacophony of sweat, dirt, and experimental residue covering Whincely was not a taste one would describe as delightful. Since then the mimic seems to like hanging around Whincely. Perhaps it was a newfound respect it gained for him. Or maybe it's just waiting until he doesn't taste to bad to eat him.
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