Alywix Academy Organization in Od | World Anvil
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Alywix Academy

The Alywix Academy, named for its founder the Great Wizard Alywix , is a lovely little establishment nestled into the forest set west of Allfield. And when I say set, I mean it was grown specifically around the Academy by Alywix herself, for protection, for research, for conservation, for experimentation.
  Alywix Academy hosts many subjects of interest for students, from magics, to
  Most of the students and faculty at the academy stay either on campus or in the quaint village surrounding.


More information on the campus can be found here:
Alywix Academy Campus
Building / Landmark | Sep 14, 2021

Artifact Expedition Program

This program lets students use the skills they've acquired on campus and apply them in the real world. Students are set on recovering, discovering, or researching a particular artifact. Many of the school programs, like healing and archeology, in the past years have either come from this interest or have moved towards a focus on it. This program tends to attract the more headstrong and rowdy due to its subject material, so the program has gotten a bad rap with some of the more academically focused students.

Area's of Study


Nature, dividing, protections, practical application of magics  


The forest surrounding the campus is ripe with plants and herbs, all picked by the people running the classes too! What better place to pick up some medicinal and potion making skills  


One of the main interests of the school are artifacts, their history, and their impact on society past present and future.  

Healing and Medicine

Living the woods and setting out on expeditions leads to many an injury, and many an interested party in the art of healing. And living so close to a town gives ample opportunity for charitable, or profitable, work.    

Culinary Arts

Everybody needs food, especially the lot of the the brain-worked student body
Educational, School/Academy


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