The Faceless in Od | World Anvil
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The Faceless

Not much is known about the Faceless. They have recently starting making their way up from the Underdark, largely through the mines of Northnesse. They can be nomadic, as many are not interested in their presence, but when they find a welcoming area they are keen to stay.  


Faceless are shaped similarly to humans, except for their longer limbs (arms and legs) (Maybe their legs are like animal legs too?). Their skin is monochromatic ranging from white to black (white being the most common), and their face is featureless and smooth. Many wear masks as not to scare others or arouse suspicion. Although their face is featureless, they have a limited form of visual vision. They can also open their mouths, forming a slit across their face so they can eat. They can speak without opening their mouths.   Faceless tend to eat meats and minerals, their strong jaws and teeth breaking them down.  

A Faceless's Mask

Even in their time in the underdark, Faceless created a wore mask. They have a historical, cultural, and personal significance. Facelss children do not wear masks until they have gone through a proving/coming of age ceremony, after which they are allowed to create their first mask. Many incorporate symbols of their tribe, family, and personal interests. They tell a story of who the person is, where they come from, what they hope to achieve. A Faceless usually wears many masks throughout their lives, each one representing a turning point or redefinition of their life; a new ambition, a significant event, a deep personal change in who they are. Some Faceless keep these old masks as a .. while others discard them, either not wanting to be reminded of the life they once hard or simply for having a more present and forward looking perspective on life.
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom increase by 2, and your Constitution by 1
Age. Faceless mature at the same rate as humans, but live a number of years longer.
Alignment. Faceless tend to seek survival and shelter. They have no strong pull to any alignment, and as such could be any
Size. Faceless are proportioned like long-limbed humans. Their size is medium
Speed. Their base walking speed is 30 feet.
Sight. Faceless have no eyes, but can still visually make out objects 5 feet away.
Tremorsense. Faceless have no eyes, so they have developed a way to perceive their surrounding by feeling the vibrations in the area around them. They have tremorsense up to 60 feet of uninterrupted terrain. You can use an action to shorten the range to 10 feet and gain the ability to see behind obstacles.
Languages. Common and one other language


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