Northnesse Settlement in Od | World Anvil
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Ancient City of Dwarves

the city of Northnesse is located snugly in the Northnesse Mountains and is responsible for a large portion of production around Atheria. The dwarves spend their days mining deeper into the rich mountain, and using what they find to create  

King Under the Mountain

Northnesse is ruled over by the Dwarf King, Thadrick Stonemover.
Thadrick Stoneshatter
Character | Jul 10, 2021

A Dislike for Sand

The mountain dwarves of Northnesse harbor a certain distaste for the hill dwarves of Oasis.


Northnesse houses the largest population of dwarves known around the world.


Northnesse is run by the Dwarven King.


The city is dug deep into the walls of the Northnesse Mountains, providing more than enough protection to call this city a stronghold. The only ways in are through the main entrances, all heavily guarded.

Guilds and Factions

The city is home to many families of dwarves.
All was well and good, until the dwarves dug too deep. Now they're not even aware of their own destruction
— Unknown
Large city
Location under


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