Flaw Feats

Flaw feats are an optional feat that you may take at level 1. If you do, you may also gain a feat, or increase two ability scores by +1 (or one by +2). It is recommended to take a flaw that is both fitting to your character, and will come up in the story or gameplay. Being perfect isn't as fun as it sounds.  
Abrasive Personality
You are difficult, overbearing and generally crass in social situations, causing others to dislike you. You suffer disadvantage on all Persuasion skill checks.  
Absent Minded
You are frequently preoccupied with random thoughts, and find it difficult to pay attention. You suffer a -1 penalty to all Investigation and Perception skill checks, and a -2 penalty to your Initiative.  
You are hot-headed and brash, eager to rush into combat. Opponents gain advantage on their first attack roll against you when you engage them in melee.  
Amputee - Arm
You have lost all or part of one of your arms. You suffer the following penalties:  
  • You cannot use weapons with the two handed property.
  • You can only wield or use one item at a time.
  • Disadvantage on all ability checks involving strength and that require arms.
  • Work with your DM to figure out ways your character might work around this limitation.
  • For example, your character might carry around some extra tools which they use when other characters might not.
Amputee - Leg
You have lost all or part of one of your legs. You suffer the following penalties:  
  • Your maximum long and high jump distances are halved. See the rules on Jumping in Chapter 8 of the PHB for more information.
  • Your base walking speed is 20 feet.
  • You suffer a -1 penalty to all Dexterity saving throws.
Animal Animosity
Animals have a tendency to dislike you. You suffer disadvantage on all Animal Handling checks. Additionally beast type creatures prioritise you as a target in combat (as long as doing so does not put the attackers in some obvious additional risk).  
You are deathly afraid of water. You suffer disadvantage on all attack rolls, ability checks and saving throws made when you are in water that is at least half your height.  
Harsh conditions or long exertions overtire you and set you to wheezing. You suffer the following penalties:  
  • You have disadvantage on exhaustion checks imposed while travelling.
  • You may only use the dash action once per turn, even if a spell or feat (such as the rogue's cunning action, or Expeditious Retreat) allows you to use it twice.
  • You have disadvantage on any saving throws against effects caused by cloud, dust, fog, or smoke.
  • You can hold your breath for only half the normal duration.
  • You can hold your breath for a number of minutes equal to (1 + your Constitution modifier) / 2 minutes (minimum 15 seconds).
  • When you run out of breath or are choking, you can survive for a number of rounds equal to half your Constitution modifier (minimum of 1 round).
  • For example, with a Constitution of 14, you can hold your breath for 1.5 minutes. If you start suffocating, you have 1 round to reach air before you drop to 0 hit points.
You are terrible at being deceptive and you find it difficult to conceal any aspect of your activities. You suffer a -2 penalty to all Deception checks, and a -1 penalty to all Sleight of Hand and Stealth checks.  
You cannot see. You permanently have the blinded condition.   IMPORTANT NOTE. This flaw carries with it some significant problems, such as:  
  • All attack rolls against you will have advantage.
  • All of your attack rolls will have disadvantage.
  • You automatically fail all Wisdom (Perception) checks to see.
  • You cannot read something unless the thing is written in braille (i.e. all spell scrolls).
  • You will not be able to cast any spells with the text "that you can see".
  • You will not be able to move around the world without some form of assistance.
Make sure you discuss this with your DM and the other players at your table before committing to it. This will have a significant impact on the other players as well as yourself, so you should make sure that everyone at the table is okay with it. Your DM may be happy to work some homebrew to make this work better than it does with RAW.  
You are deathly afraid of being enclosed. If you are underground or in an enclosed area, you suffer disadvantage on all attack rolls, ability checks and saving throws.  
You are uncoordinated and adept at fumbling things. You also suffer a -2 penalty to all Dexterity saving throws and Sleight of Hand checks.  
You are not brave and frighten easily. You suffer disadvantage on all saving throws against fear effects. You also suffer -2 to your Initiative.  
You have difficulty making out details of close objects. For targets 10 feet and closer; you have disadvantage on Perception checks involving sight, and disadvantage on attack rolls. You also have trouble reading anything within 5 feet.  
Fear of Heights
You really don't like heights. You suffer disadvantage on all attacks, skill checks and saving throws any time you are climbing, or when you are within 10 feet of a dropoff of 15 feet or more.  
You possess no balance or agility. Your initial Dexterity ability score is reduced by -2.  
Hard of Hearing
Your hearing is greatly impaired. You suffer disadvantage on all hearing-based Perception checks. The GM may decide you suffer disadvantage on other skill checks situationally.  
There is something about your manners or looks that people find repulsive. Your initial Charisma ability score is reduced by -2.  
A terrible accident left you missing an eye. You suffer a -1 penalty to Perception checks, an additional -1 penalty to Passive Perception, and you have disadvantage on any attack roll against a target more than 30 feet away.  
You lack wisdom and experience, foolishly believing what others speak as truth. You suffer disadvantage on all Insight checks to see through deceptions.  
You see well close-up, but have difficulty farther away. For targets beyond 10 feet; you have disadvantage on Perception checks involving sight, and disadvantage on attack rolls. You also have trouble reading anything at a distance.  
Not the Brightest Torch
You are somewhat slow and dim-witted. Your initial Intelligence ability score is reduced by -2.  
You are large, slow and heavy. You weigh +50% or more than others of your kind. Armour must be custom made for you, costing twice the normal amount listed. In addition, your movement speed is reduced by 10ft.  
Overly Cautious
You are extremely cautious and take great care before making any action. You suffer disadvantage on all Initiative checks.  
You are terrified of a certain thing or creature type. You gain the frightened condition whenever within 30 foot of the object of your phobia.  
Poor Defense
You are not good at defending yourself. You suffer a -1 penalty to AC.  
You are noticeably weaker than average. Your initial Strength ability score is reduced by -2.  
You are frequently ill and get exerted easily. Your initial Constitution ability score is reduced by -2.  
Unfocused Spellcaster
You are not good at spellcasting when threatened or distracted. You suffer disadvantage on concentration checks made to maintain your concentration on a spell when you take damage.  
You are imprudent and prone to making poor decisions. Your initial Wisdom ability score is reduced by -2.


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