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Celestial Visions

Mother's gift can be a boon or curse if you are not careful.

Wilby's Visions

001. Areti comes into view. And further off your vision drifts towards what you believe is Oaksholde ... and beyond a large tower. You start to delve into the tower and deeper into its belly. You are in its basement now. Bodies, bodies strewn about. Freshly slain... the cause though unknown. A flash of celestial light. You start to seize again. Onward your vision pushes though. Downward again through a secret opening. Something dragging one downward... and is that a nest? Another pulse of energy. You feel a drip of blood from your nose. You want to push further though. Another pulse followed by ringing in your ears. Sound returns as you are pulled back swiftly from the deep. Out the tower, out of Oaksholde and the Savannah beyond, back to the stars.


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