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Union of Oakenshield & Oaksrest

A pair of villages Oakenshield & Oaksrest unified by the central Outpost of Oaksholde which consists of, one blacksmith to craft weapons, a church and chapel for those visiting and staying to go and commune, and most importantly, what makes Oaksholde so important, the long house. A long wooden building with a warm hearth, table, and a hand crafted “throne” of sorts, where the warden Hanequin Oakenshield, “The Reckless” sits and gives directions to the two towns that come to meet and receive their orders, and exchange of wounded.
  Note: The people of Oaksholde hold their nobles' words second to their gods. In other words, very... -very- loyal.

Region: Erathia
Founder: Petyr of Oaksholde
Leader: Hanequin Oakenshield
City Type: Central Outpost & 2 Villages
Defenses: Wooden Palisades, The High Ladies Watch, and the Wardens’ Guard.
Population: 360
Demographic: Almost exclusively Human with a handful of Halflings treated almost as a 2nd class.
Common Languages: Common and Halfling
Primary Deity & Religion: Sarenrae/Selune  (NG)
Outpost / Base

Key Locations
General Locations
  • Church of Sarenrae
  • The Blacksmith
  • Supply Store
  • Training Grounds
  • House of Healing


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