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Dalton Mako

"Mako the Frenzied"

Whispers pass between the lips of the seafairing peoples on Odyssea's coasts. Tales of a man spoken with fear and awe alike. A giant of a man, a wall of muscle with insurmountable strength and an insatiable appetite for war. Some depict him as some kind of sea giant. Others call him a ruthless barbarian. The truth... is perhaps only slightly more mundane. Dalton eared his moniker for a reason. Mako the Frenzied was a seaborne terror, sinking and plundering countless ships in his hayday on the waves. A cunning captain, a deadly opponent in battle, always one for risks... but perhaps above all, he was ever a remarkable oppertunist. An oppertunist... and a suprisingly shrewd buisnessman. After taking advantage of the squabbling city states and their bids for naval power, Mako the Frenzied was, albeit briefly, a highly prized privateer. After making enough money flying the flag of too many people to even count he had enough to formally retire!   He now lives a freeman's life, having made enough coin from all his ventures to retire to a lovely home for him, his wife Sherry, and the two children she eventually had. An old man happily grown fat on his riches. Make no mistake. His rounded gut doesn't mean the man is washed up. Far from it. While Dalton Mako was glad to leave the life of glory behind, he is still a man worthy of his legend. Mako the Frenzied is never shy to demonstrait his namesake when need be, and can still fight with all the ferocity of the Captain he used to be.


Sherry Mako


Towards Dalton Mako


Dalton Mako


Towards Sherry Mako


Sherry Mako (Wife)


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