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Eras, Bastion of Order

Eras, The Bastion of Order is one of the larger cities nestled within Erathia. What began as a small set of hovels belonging to a local group of stonemason has become the start of an empire. A fair sized Castle keeps watch over the large lake built upon its North/East border and the town that it overshadows. A bustling marketplace, a learned monastery & cathedral, and home to the Red Raven Novels himself Hubert Hubris, Eras has become quite the height of civilization in the first age. And now with construction begun on a great stone wall to surround the city from Monsters and Invaders from the Nulgar desert, it will become the safest place to rest.       Region: Erathia
Founder: Anthony de Barbosa
Leader: Bruce Marik
City Type: Medieval Castle Town
Defenses: Barbosa Castle, Stone Walls (In Progress) & Inner Palliside Walls, The Erathian State Troops, & Order of the Raven.
Population: 37,514
Demographic: A mixture of Ancestries found throughout Odysseia
Common Languages: Common, Elven, Erasthar (Language of the Eras Nobles),
Primary Deity & Religion: Torm (LG)
Large City
Key Locations
  • Barbosa Castle
  • Cathedral of Torm
  • The Erathian Monastery
  • Hall of Masons
  • The Grand Market
  • Raven'sGuarde Barracks
  • The Crimson King (Inn)
General Town Locations
  • Alchemist
  • Blacksmith
  • General Store
  • House of Healing
  • Lake Ferry


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