BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Gabriel Gardus

Before you stands a man who has seen many sorrows in his lifetime. Whereas a weaker man may have been crushed by such darkness, Gabriel has used it to push himself to action. Grandson to Yelin Gardus who first lead a group of travelers to settle Areti and did his best to protect those from the dark against the beasts of old inspired Gabriel to follow in his footsteps becoming a war cleric of Abadar. Even being a cleric so devout though, you can seldom find the man within the Temple. He always believed that he could better serve out on the road. Many a trader has an account of things looking quite grim but being saved by the light and warhammer of the wandering Cleric and nowadays his newly formed Tempest Hunters.

He eventually settled down and planned to make Areti a better place overall and more secure to the traders and travelers that would risk making the trek. He was the one who got the pallisides built. He made certain that outpost towers could warn of impending danger and for a while the southern plains of Erathia and the river side was made safe. Until tragedy struck.... Husband to a murdered wife. Father to a murdered son. And the culpret was a vicious Monster that had skulked its way out of the Zalz Jungles in the middle of the night. He saw its malice and witnessed the deaths of those dearest to him. He saw the fear and panic it filled the townsfolk with and was only driven back by the determination and strength of Gabriel and a few adventurers that were in town at the time... It was a sign. Only through strength would the monsters learn to fear the civilized world and Gabriel moved quick to make it a reality.

He formed the Tempest Hunters and had a guild hall built in central Areti. With the assistance of one of the adventurers Alderman Dutton who had stayed back to help with the order, they put word out far and wide. Who would answer his call and wish to see the world a better place?
Lawful Good
Areti - City of Virtue 


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