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Luigi's Castle

The pirate lord Luigi Sanzari led a fleet of five incredibly dangerous ships, capable of sinking most navy squadrons sent against him. A true naval genius, Luigi out sailed and outfought everyone who set themselves against him, and looted their corpses to become fabulously wealthy. Eventually, he decided to become the governor of Corvolas, and to tax the city for profit instead of waging a bloody war across the sea to make money. His crew became the city guard, and quickly became notoriously corrupt. Luigi was too canny to be drawn into the minutiae of city politics, and came up with a brilliant plan: he would have enough artillery to suppress any problem in the city. In order to carry out this plan, Luigi hired the dwarves to build his castle. The castle is half finished, and various pirate captains will bid on the dwarves to build their mansions instead of the castle. As a result, progress on the castles construction has essentially come to a halt, as Luigi is basically bidding against every single pirate captain, all of whom don’t want Luigi’s fortress to be completed, because this would dramatically shift the power dynamic in Luigi’s favor. Currently, Luigi can easily beat down any one pirate captain, but the hundreds of captains in the port could overthrow him if they banded together. If the castle were to be finished, however, Luigi could probably be unstoppable as far as the pirates are concerned.
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