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Luigi Sanzari

Luigi Sanzari is the current Governor of Corvolas. Prior to his decision to settle down, he was a pirate lord who commanded a fleet of five warships. Ever the pragmatist, Luigi was well known for keeping his crews relatively restrained, and has ruthlessly executed any crewman who commits atrocities. This isn’t to say that Luigi is a kind soul who stumbled into piracy. Rather, Luigi is keenly aware that committing atrocities invites repercussions, and he’s not quite ready to have his head mounted on a pike.
  Luigi has enjoyed some colorful adventures over the years, but his most popular exploit was his fleet action against the northern raiders. After these raiders had plundered the coastline and enslaved many poor unfortunate souls, Luigi led his fleet into a climactic battle where he killed the slavers, freed the slaves, and returned them to their homes. A great number of people remember this magnanimous act of kindness and accuse any of Luigi’s critics of slandering a great man. It is less well remembered that he kept the plunder and sold the slavers ships to the communities whose ships had been burned, netting himself a very handsome profit to go along with plenty of good will.
  Prior to Luigi’s takeover of the city, it was led by a very disreputable ‘merchant’ who was best known for being greedy and an excessive alcoholic even by sailors standards. Luigi attacked one evening, executing the former lord and his most loyal men while pardoning the men who wouldn’t cause him any trouble. Today, Luigi has a surprisingly strong grasp over the city.
Lawful Evil


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