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-Records drawn forth from "The Infamous Ports of Odysseia" by Ser Edward James (Samareck)
Corvolas sits in a sheltered cove at the mouth of the Dragon Sea, where ships can safely weather most severe storms. From this simple beginning, a sprawling port city grew around the docks. Most of the city is made of poorly constructed wood, with certain buildings being made of “recycled” parts of ships too damaged to repair, giving the city a fairly ramshackle appearance. However, sections of the city are being rebuilt by high quality dwarven stonemasons.

  Region: Erathia
Founder: Bendichi Campisano
Leader: Luigi Sanzari  
City Type: Pirate City Port
Defenses: Luigi’s Castle, Ballistas, Ships, and standing guard.
Population: 24,601
Demographic: Primarily Human, but outcasts, villains, renegades and adventurers from every species can be found here. A notable contingent of dwarves also live here.
Common Languages: Common, Halfling, Elven, Dwarvish. Thieves Cant,
Primary Deity & Religion: Gozreh (N), Norgorber (NE)
Large city
Related Reports (Primary)
Key Locations
General Town Locations
  • Alchemist
  • Blacksmith
  • General Store
  • House of Healing
  • Harbour

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