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Mivema (M-Ih-Vee-Mah)

The Fey Queen

The Daughter of a secret union and birth by a Fey Solar Warden and an Elven Lunar Singer, she eventually became The Fey Queen after conquering Seluna and ending The Feyfall.
With her belief of a better world for the Fey & Elves shattered with the execution of her mother and father at a young age, Mivema grew only to know fear, hatred, and anger. Powerful emotions that manifested through the abilities granted to her by her Father (Fey) and her Mother (Elf) heritage. Rousing a Fey Army at the age of 16, she was the one to spark The Feyfall War and claim victory over the Elves in the conflict eventually claiming the title of Fey Queen and Seluna as her seat of power. And instead of trying to reconcile and find resolutions to repair what had become of Serenthii and the relations between Elf & Fey, she was forever embittered and bore a will of malice towards her mother's people who she felt would never truly be able to answer for the crimes of their court and murder of both her parents. Still in power to this day and quick to silence any that question her leadership as Queen, Mivema is one to be feared and careful should one come into her presence.
Half Elf/Fey
Chaotic Evil


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