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The Feyfall

Souring relations between the Elves & Fey eventually lead to a corruption of the Solstice & Equinox pools and began a 100 year conflict between the Elves and Fey ending in the brutal defeat of the Elves. In the end many elves were enslaved or fled to become refugees in the regions beyond Serenthii and the Fey Court claimed Seluna as their own.

When the elves first founded Seluna, they were greeted by the Fey of the region who were excited to work with these new humanoids in the region. They taught the Elves many things about survival in Serenthii and how to use their natural environment to prosper but also in harmony with the natural world around them. They also had the first elves drink from the Solstice & Equinox pools to extend their lifespan and gain the knowledge and abilities of Arcane & Primal magics. And for a while under the watchful eyes of The Architects - Croupe, Ettinghausen, & Rayner as well as the Deity Sarenrae/Selune both peoples prospered.
  However, the more knowledge the elves gained; the more arrogant their people would become. They believed themselves to be the new Wardens of Serenthii and began passing laws among their people forbidding the Fey from holding high positions of power in their court as well as the creation of the Lunar Singers charged with the protection of the Woods and to have no familial relations (both with their own kind and the Fey) as they believed it to bring them closer in dedication to Serenthii and Selune herself. This act the Fey took as the first great sleight against them and soured their disposition towards the Elves... and for the next 20-30 years it remained just this. They closed themselves off from the elves and the elves did the same in return. Darkness began to spread through Serenthii as the lost love between the two made both lapse in their duties to protect the Woods. The Creatures of the dark night seized this moment and began to spread corrupting the surrounding areas making them no longer safe to travel without protection as it had been prior.
  With the emergence of the dark night, both factions (Fey & Elf) blamed one another for this and more acts were passed forbidding contact between the two. It was in this moment of chaotic imbalance that an important birth happened that bring the conflict to its inciting moment. A secret union between an Elven Lunar Singer and a Fey Solar Warden birthed into world the child Mivema  (Half Elf/Half Fey) and with her the frustrations and hatreds of both peoples. Scorned and shunned from Seluna as her mother returned with her to the Lunar Council to try and rectify the fracture between the former unified peoples. The court sentenced the mother to death and to have her body laid at the edge of the Fey Pools as both a reminder and statement to Fey & Elf alike on the sentence for such an action. Mivema who was 16 by this point was exiled from Seluna but not until after being forced to witness the execution of her mother. She left Seluna embittered and the hatred of the elves began to grow within her. She was found by her father and when told of what had transpired to her mother, a fury grew within him as he appeared before the pools weapon drawn calling out the council for their action. Without a word and the wave of the Court Master's hand, a series of arrows were loosed into the Warden dropping him instantly. As he bled out, his blood joined with that of his wife and flowed into the pools turning the bright blue of the waters a dark red. Mivema having witnessed both the deaths of her mother and father in the same day cursed the elves for their action but also the gods for letting such acts transpire without rebuttal. If they would not do something to answer for such transgressions, then she would. She vanished into the woods and found her way to the Fey Home and roused the resting anger that many of their kind felt and with their aid disposed of any who resisted such a conflict and began the 100 year conflict between Elf & Fey that would later be known as The Feyfall.
  With such rampant bloodshed falling on both sides and neither seeking a peaceful end to the conflict, hatred and blood warped the forests further and further to the unrecognizable monstrosity that it has become in more modern times in the Age of Fangs. And with its corruption so to the Fey began to change and transform reflecting such horrors. No longer were they a peaceful mischievous people as they had been in the years prior, now they were darkened tricksters and soldiers intent on harming and enslaving those that would dare remain in the woods. Seluna was eventually overrun and claimed by the Fey Court and its people enslaved or fled to become refugees in the wider world. And to end the conflict in the year 300 FA, Mivema was crowned Queen and a very dark time for Elf and Fey began.
Conflict Type
Date of Conflict
200 FA - 300 FA
Region(s) Involved
Main Combatants
  • The Elves of Serenthii
  • The Fey of Serenthii
Important People


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