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The Maiden's Sanctuary

The Maiden's Sanctuary is not a place that one of most devout intentions would find themselves. Although this doesn't mean that the place is on the dirty or rundown side. It is a very clean and high end "Home" as the owner would call it. It has garnered a bit of a reputation and has travelers make their way up to Oaksholde just to make a stop here. Love it or hate it, it exists and it does have a solid place in the ecosystem and greater workings of Oaksholde that lifts the territory above what its means may be otherwise. And one doesn't necessarily have to indulge in the "prayers" provided by their Lunar Singer Maids and Swains.
  Shellington Guildferth claims that she was inspired to build the establishment as a thank you and in honor of the Lunar Singer that rescued her from Fey while she was younger, hence the Lunar Singer themed outfits to the Maids and Swains. Even if one doesn't have an interest in that side of things, the Sanctuary does have some of the best rooms to stay while in town and some well prepared food and drink provided by the Hunters and Woodsman who scavenge the edge of the Woods nearby.

-Sanctuary Services-

  • Traveler's Home - 6 Sp
  • Knight's Home - 2 Gp
  • Official's Hall - 5 Gp
  • Lunar Suite - 15 Gp
  • Lunar Singer (Table Company) - 5 Sp
  • Lunar Singer (Night Company) -5 Gp
  • Star Performer (Table Company) - *Request from owner*
  • Hearthstone Porridge - 2 Sp
  • Sun's Salad - 2 Sp
  • Huntman's Stew - 4 Sp
  • Sanctuary Feast (4 Course Meal) - 1 Gp
  • Lunar Pie - 6 Sp
  Drinks (All orders are by the Bottle)
  • Moonstone - 2 Gp
  • Enchantment by the Tree - 5 Gp
  • Mellon (Elven word for friend) - 10 Gp
  • Solstice (Men's Cologne) - 5 Sp
  • Equinox (Woman's Perfume) - 8 Sp
Brothel / Whorehouse
Shellington Guildferth 


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