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The Dragon Guardians of Eldoria

-Excerpts from the novel by Hubert Hubris

Various sections have been marked through the tome. At first glance it is unsure why the particular sections have been marked as Lady Daisy left no indications within.

In the realm of Eldoria, where magic danced in the air and mythical creatures roamed freely, there existed five legendary dragons: Reager the Red, Kethora of Emeralds, Natalii the Black, Lans of Saphiry, and Raul Ochrefang. Each dragon possessed unique powers and strengths, and together they were known as the Guardians of Eldoria.

For centuries, the Guardians had safeguarded the land from any threats that dared to challenge its peace. But one day, a darkness crept over Eldoria in the form of an evil sorcerer named Stone Ax. With his twisted magic and thirst for power, Stone Ax sought to plunge the realm into chaos and despair.

As Stone Ax's dark forces began to spread across Eldoria, the Guardians knew they had to act swiftly to stop him. Gathering together, they devised a plan to confront the sorcerer and his minions head-on.

Reager the Red, with his fierce flames that could incinerate anything in his path, led the charge. His blazing wings lit up the sky as he soared towards the heart of Stone Ax's stronghold, breathing fire upon the enemy forces below.
Kethora of Emeralds, whose scales shimmered like precious gems, used her mastery over nature to summon vines and roots from the earth, entangling Stone Ax's minions and halting their advance.
Natalii the Black, with her shadowy aura and keen intellect, weaved spells of darkness that obscured the enemy's vision, leaving them vulnerable to the attacks of her fellow Guardians.
Lans of Saphiry, whose scales sparkled like the stars in the night sky, unleashed bolts of lightning that crackled and danced across the battlefield, striking fear into the hearts of Stone Ax's followers.
And Raul Ochrefang, the oldest and wisest of the Guardians, lent his ancient magic to the fray, shielding his companions from harm and bolstering their strength with his ageless wisdom.

Together, the five dragons fought with unmatched courage and determination, pushing back the forces of darkness with every beat of their mighty wings. In a climactic battle that shook the very foundations of Eldoria, the dragons finally confronted Stone Ax himself. Kethora uttered an incantation and spread a series of vines that bound the Ax's feet to the center of the chamber. And in one swift motion, Natalii burst towards their foe in a wake of shadowy mist striking with one claw and then the next. Reager then brought forth a furious blast of flame engulfing the Ax where he stood. Raul then shook his massive form that glimmered in its bronze hue and empowered young Lans who then leapt up high to spout a series of crackling lightning bolts into the Ax. Silence filled the room as the dust and debris from the attacks masked the fives' vision... And as it cleared the Stone Ax still stood. He had torn free of the vines and had turned to his right to face down Kethora who had first hindered the villain. He rose a mighty claw as he prepared to rush towards her but before he could was stopped by a nasty charge by Reager who bashed into the foe. Next Natalii and then Lans struck from the North and then the South. And as the Stone Ax fell to a knee, Raul spoke some whispered words that were given form and continued to press the AX downward into the earth. And finally Kethora who was the Ax's first target looked down on upon him and a tear fell from her eye. She pitied the sorry creature and although she had the opportunity to end his life then and there chose another path. She pressed her four legs into the ground before her and felt all of nature around her. The spirits of all that the AX had killed in his wake of slaughter were summoned forth and made their way to the AX. He was spun in a full circle as he rose upward landing once again before Kethora. She looked into his eyes and spoke, "You shall relive your horrors for a 100 lifetimes to find the error of your ways and should you truly repent in the dark, only then can you return to me my love. Only then can you witness the treasure we have birthed." And with that the Stone AX became literal stone.


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