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The Dwarven Quarter

The Dwarven Quarter is a relatively small district in Corvolas where almost all the dwarves in the city live. This section of the city is meticulously crafted by high quality stonemasons, and is exceptionally orderly and clean. In addition, crime is nonexistent here, as angry dwarves tend to annihilate the knees of anyone foolish enough to try. This section of the city is filled with dozens of dwarvish stonemasons, architects, and builders who are all happy to make an honest pay building sections of the city. Anyone looking to hire the dwarven builders is welcome, and happily for the dwarves business is booming to such a degree that there are often parties bidding on dwarf labor, halting one another’s progress by outbidding one another for this weeks wages so that the dwarves work on one project instead of another.
Important People 
Government complex


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