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Tocu, Last Shadow

Tocu was born into a poor family in the jungle of Zalz. Having been a single child in what was supposed to be a bit of a larger group, he was singled out by the others in his village and was considered an outcast. He tried as best he could in his early childhood in terms of understanding the disdain and hatred some of the other villagers had towards him, but he didn't really understand why it was this way and just kept to himself. Eventually, having been pushed away by everyone he knew, including his own father, he ran away and left his village behind in search of something new. It wasn't uncommon for a catfolk teen to leave right before adulthood, but he had barely turned 10 and was already on his way out. He knew nothing of surviving on his own and did what he could to make money, begging, asking to help out where he could but he only kept getting more of that hatred he was met with growing up and it began to cling deep inside his heart, forcing him into a life of secrecy.   He lived on scraps for quite a few years, digging through trash and stealing what he could and ended up getting rather good at swiping things without noticing and entering empty housing for shelter during stormy nights, soon drawing the attention of an organization he would soon call family. Another catfolk by the name of Steeltooth took notice of this younger cat's antics and cornered him one night in an alley as he was trying to break in for the night, offering him shelter, food and anything he could think of but for a cost.   Having nowhere to go, he accepted, taking the catfolks offer and following him back to a rather inconspicuous building that he thought to be completely abandoned, but to his surprise was thriving inside, a whole organization specifically for those in similar predicaments. He would join an illusive group of Bounty Hunters known collectively as Crescentmoon, primarily due to their preference to work at night. He would spend the next few years working for them, doing what he could being the newest recruit and picking up the smaller odd jobs, like petty thieves, beggars and people who wouldn't put up much of a fight if having been confronted. This line of life helped Tocu get what he needed for the week, even though it pained him inside for taking people's lives or shaking them for money just because they borrowed from the wrong person and it bothered him for quite a while, at least until he became numb and considered it as another job.   He rose through the ranks swiftly, having been assigned larger marks to take care of and working in groups of two to take out more dangerous criminals that had marks, he began to enhance his skills, soon earning his first title Shadow, for his ability to slip away at a moments notice without being seen. It wouldn't be until his last bounty, would he officially earn the title, Last Shadow.   One night, the whole guild was alive, whispers flooding around and eventually hitting Tocu's ears, Cobb the Cruel had been added to the registrar, and his mark was fresh. However, due to his fierceness and slippery nature, no one dared go for his head, making up excuses or pawning it off to some poor soul that didn't know any better, except Tocu had something in mind and he offered, despite Steeltooth's disapproval. Cobb the Cruel was a slave trader, working specifically with peddling Catfolk into other regions for powerful Humans to use them for labor, and this sat like pebbles in his stomach, how could someone be so cruel? Without hesitation he set off, doing whatever he could for leads in this elusive criminal, until one day something drew his attention. Cobb was nearby and only for a short while, having stopped to restock on supplies in a nearby village called Ternesj.   He spent several days, shifting in the shadows and tracking leads, sniffing out supplies as they moved about and were brought through town, eventually catching a glimpse of the pirate. He would strike that night, taking him while he slept, as he had done so many nights before... It was his specialty, making sure it was swift and painless as possible, hoping they didn't suffer too much throughout as he hated this part specifically, but it needed to be done.   That night he plotted his move, slowly shifting through the town as it slept, trying to make way towards the house his target was sitting at, however he wasn't the only one with similar intentions. As he was working the lock, trying to get it open he was confronted by two knights, a younger one around his age with longer blonde hair and another of whom seemed to keep his helmet on.   After a tense few minutes, both sides manage to come to an agreement. Tocu would confirm that the mark was taken care of, and the knights would take Cobb into custody for questioning in order to find a missing orphan that was in the care of their organization and he’d have Cobb’s head.… problem solved, however he took a liking to the young Cassius and set off to find him once more after their little meeting and eventually settled both the knight’s endeavor as well as his own, locking in his final title… Last Shadow.
  -Sketch of the warrior by Wilby Wallabeast
Lawful Good


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