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Wilby Wallabeast

When Wilby was born, he was handed off to the witches by his mother Ophelia Inkwell  who seemed perplexed by the baby covered in a silky red scarf; but when the babe was revealed to have pointed ears, honeyed skin and nubs atop his head, it was already to late to inquire, Ophelia was gone without yet another trace. In the end, the witch chose to raise Wilby regardless of his uncanny appearance; having not been the human infant she was promised, but instead a tiefling with energies ever so present.   In his life, Wilby was raised by the dwarven witch, Mudebela and her elven partner, Symania who raised him in the forest and taught him their magics, a bit wary of where his bloodline may lead; but the pair made sure the tiefling was loved throughout his youth and made him aware of the difficulties he'd face from a young age. Regardless, Wilby lived a bountiful life in the forest, accompanying his mothers to the small backwater town Ramshorn from time to time and delved into the magic of fates; picking up Symania's pass time of doing fortunes for spare coin.
Neutral Good

Articles under Wilby Wallabeast


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