Battle for the throne

The Battle for the throne takes place in the Arena after The Last Feast. The knights and the current monarch, dressed in their Court's colors, enter the Arena armed and carrying small lit candles. As the sun sets and darkness falls, the battle begins. The knights use their weapons and powers within the Arena to compete for the crown. They fight until morning, and the doors are not opened again until the sun rises. Whichever knight remains standing is crowned the new monarch of the Freehold.   Certain rules govern the battle to ensure fair play and honor. Attempting to leave the Arena leads to dishonor and ostracization from one's Court. Knights can yield to a stronger opponent, stepping aside to signify their withdrawal from the battle without dishonor. Killing an opponent who has yielded marks the perpetrator with a black cross on their forehead, a mark that cannot be hidden and carries social consequences. Interfering with the battle results in the disqualification of the offender's court, and they are banished from the Freehold.   In the week leading up to the Battle, no one may target or challenge a knight, allowing for fair preparation and a level playing field for all contenders. The Battle for the throne is a significant and revered event in the Freehold's calendar, representing a test of strength, honor, and leadership to determine the rightful ruler for the upcoming season.


As soon as the doors shut behind the Knights, the battle is on. There are few rules for the battle itself and it is pretty straightforward, the last one standing wins.  The doors do not open till the next    The Rules
  • You can use whatever weapons and powers are at your disposal within the Arena.
  • If you attempt to leave the Arena, you forfeit, and will be ostracized by your Court. Your court as well suffers greatly for the dishonor the knight brings them, attempting to flee the Arena (the offending Court's courtiers all suffer a -1 to social rolls in the freehold).
  • You may yield to a greater adversary, and forfeit the battle. If this is done, the knight will wait out the rest of the battle near the door, seated on the floor, weapons on the ground in front of him to signify that the knight is no longer in the battle. The knight takes no dishonor for yielding in such a manor as he did not flee, instead showing wisdom by stepping aside for a greater warrior.
  • While it is preferable to avoid killing your opponents, should they refuse to yield, then it may not be able to be avoided. Killing an opponent who has yielded however, will mark the murderer. The knight who strikes such a killing blow is mystically marked with a black cross on his forehead. This mark cannot be washed off and cannot be hidden. The only way to be rid of the mark, is to make reparations to the injured court and Season. Even if the knight wins the battle and be crowned King, they will be marked. As the crime cannot be hidden, all who see the mark and know its meaning will view the individual with suspicion along with their court. This can make for a very tumultuous reign (The offending individual gains a black mark that cannot be hidden. The offending individual receives a -2 to all social roles to lead or convince of his trustworthiness until reparations are made. The offending court also receives a -1 to social roles within the freehold)
  • No one may attempt to interfere with the battle. Anyone caught doing so immediately disqualifies their court, and the offender, along with any that aided, is banished from the freehold.
  • None may target or challenge a Knight for the week leading up to the Battle.


Juyn 19th
Aguste 21st
Decembre 20th
Marche 18th
Primary Related Location
Important Locations


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