The Arena

The Arena stands as a testament to both the rich history and the unyielding spirit of the Freehold. Nestled within the heart of an adjacent mountain, this ancient relic takes the form of a hidden bunker; its origins shrouded in the mists of time. As if frozen in an eternal embrace with the rocky terrain, the Arena emerges as a battleground of significance and symbolic importance, reserved for the most pivotal contest within the Freehold—the battle for the crown.   While the Arena remains dormant mainly throughout the year, its purpose is ignited during the pivotal moments of the battle for leadership. As the seasonal Monarchs gather within its hallowed walls, the bunker transforms into a crucible of challenges and aspirations. The echoes of past clashes and the weight of countless generations lend an air of gravitas to the Arena, an atmospheric fusion of tradition and anticipation.   The Arena's architecture speaks of a bygone era, its weathered stone walls and worn surfaces bearing the scars of history. The passages and chambers are steeped in mystery, inviting speculation and reverence from all who tread its sacred halls. The air seems to whisper with the voices of those who came before as if the spirits of past contenders watch over the battles unfolding.   As the Monarchs step onto the Arena's floor, the legacy of their forebears courses through their veins, inspiring them to embrace both the challenge and the honor of their role. The bunker's confines amplify the zeal of competition, each clash of wills reverberating within its walls. The stakes are high, and the outcome determines the fate of the Freehold, an embodiment of its inhabitants' collective will and resilience.   While the rest of the year may see the Arena nestled in quiet obscurity, it is a timeless emblem of unity, strength, and the indomitable spirit that defines the Freehold's legacy. The Arena's presence is a solemn reminder of the sacrifices and triumphs that have shaped its destiny, awaiting the next chapter in its history.

Purpose / Function

With its formidable structure and hidden location, the Arena was initially conceived as a sanctuary of survival amidst a world marred by radiation and uncertainty. Its original purpose harkens back to a time of upheaval and peril, when the atmosphere itself held a veil of toxicity. As the air bore the scars of a world in turmoil, the architects of the Freehold sought refuge within the sturdy walls of this underground bunker.   In those tumultuous days, the Arena was envisioned as a haven of safety, a bastion against the harsh realities of the outside world. Its chambers, carved into the very heart of the mountain, were designed to shield its occupants from the ravages of radiation, offering a space of respite and protection. The deep recesses of the bunker provided a place where life could continue despite the turmoil raging above, allowing the people to wait out the hazardous conditions until a time of renewal and rebirth.   As the years passed and the world began to heal, the Arena's original purpose gradually transformed. No longer solely a shelter from the perils of radiation, it evolved into a symbol of strength, unity, and determination. Its sturdy walls, once a defense against a poisoned sky, now bore witness to a different battle—the battle for leadership and the crown of the Freehold.   The shift from a refuge to a battleground was marked by the Freehold's growth and the establishment of its unique seasonal Monarchy. With its history of resilience, the Arena emerged as the fitting arena for the annual contest that would determine the Freehold's guiding hand. It became a hallowed ground where Monarchs tested their mettle, embodying the essence of their respective seasons and vying for the right to lead.


The architectural remnants of the old bunker serve as the foundation for the Arena, a place of historic significance and fierce competition within the Freehold. The atmosphere within these weathered walls is laden with the weight of battles fought and the passage of time.   As one ventures into the depths of the Arena, a sense of disrepair and abandonment is palpable. The area is strewn with the remnants of past conflicts, a poignant testament to the battles that have raged within these confines. Rusting weapons and discarded implements, remnants of previous struggles for the throne, lie scattered amidst the debris. The walls echo with the whispers of victories and defeats, and the air is heavy with the memory of determination and sacrifice.   The layout of the Arena reveals a series of interconnected rooms that branch off from a central hall. Like fragments of a forgotten past, these rooms stand as silent witnesses to the clashes that once took place. Overgrown lichens and vegetation cling to the forgotten corners, a testament to nature's relentless reclamation of the man-made.   The heart of the Arena lies in the central hall, where an otherworldly glow emanates from ember-like braziers affixed to the walls. This faint, warm illumination casts eerie shadows that dance across the scorched and worn surfaces. The very floor itself is marked by hatches, sealed shut by time and neglect.   True to its name, the arena floor bears the scars of countless contests. The walls and floors exhibit the battle-worn patina of clashes between combatants, with scorches and slashes etched into the rugged surfaces. These marks are a visual history of the struggles that have unfolded within these confines, a reminder of the tenacity and resilience of those who have vied for the throne.


The hidden underground bunker's defenses that house the Arena are a testament to its enduring strength and resilience. Despite centuries of wear and erosion from the elements, this subterranean stronghold has managed to withstand the ravages of time and remain an imposing structure within the Freehold.   Access to the bunker is granted through a winding stairway, a strategically designed entrance that adds an element of formidable challenge for any who seek to breach its depths. The twisting path creates a natural barrier, slowing down and potentially deterring potential intruders. This deliberate design adds a layer of physical protection and serves as a psychological deterrent, discouraging those who may contemplate invading its confines.   As one navigates the winding stairway and descends into the depths, the very act of entry becomes a symbolic journey, a metaphorical passage through the annals of history and conflict. The gradual descent heightens the sense of anticipation and uncertainty, amplifying the aura of mystery and significance surrounding the Arena.   Incorporating the natural terrain and topography, the bunker's hidden location is a defense mechanism. The fact that it remains concealed beneath the earth's surface offers a layer of protection, making it less susceptible to direct assaults and minimizing its vulnerability to external forces.


Originally conceived as a shelter from the ravages of radiation during a time of great peril, the Arena was born from necessity. Its subterranean refuge provided a haven, allowing the inhabitants to weather the storm of uncertainty and emerge as survivors.


  • The Arena
Related Tradition (Primary)


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