Black Bear

The Black Bear, a robust mammal indigenous to our lands, is characterized by its distinctive black fur coat. Typically possessing a robust build, it exhibits a distinct shoulder hump and strong limbs. Noteworthy features include a broad snout, rounded ears, and sharp claws adapted for various activities such as foraging and climbing. While primarily omnivorous, the Black Bear's diet consists of various vegetation, insects, and occasionally small mammals. Known for its adaptable nature and keen sense of smell, the Black Bear remains a prominent member of our local fauna, contributing to the intricate balance of our ecosystem.

Basic Information

Ecology and Habitats

The Black Bear commonly inhabits various forested environments, including coniferous and deciduous forests. Its adaptable nature allows it to thrive in different habitats, encompassing mountainous regions, swamps, and lowland areas. The species prefers areas with abundant vegetation and diverse food sources, ensuring survival and successful integration into different ecosystems.

Additional Information


Efforts to domesticate the Black Bear have proven largely impractical and met with limited success. The species' instincts and territorial behavior make adapting to a domesticated lifestyle challenging. While some individuals have attempted to keep Black Bears in captivity for exhibition or entertainment purposes, these endeavors often result in difficulties managing the animal's inherent wild tendencies. As a result, the Black Bear remains primarily a creature of the wild, resisting conventional domestication efforts.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The Black Bear holds practical importance for the people of Terra and its settlements. While not domesticated, its utility lies in the exploitation of specific resources. The Bear's fur, though not as prized as that of other creatures, finds use in crafting basic garments and accessories. Additionally, some communities regard the Black Bear as a source of sustenance, utilizing its meat as a supplementary food resource.

Genetic Ancestor(s)
Geographic Distribution


Physical Attributes: Strength 5, Dexterity 2, Stamina 4
Social Attributes: Presence 3, Manipulation 1, Composure 4
Mental Attributes: Intelligence 1, Wits 3, Resolve 4
Skills: Athletics 3 (climbing), Brawl 4, Intimidation 3, Survival 3
Health: 11
Willpower: 8
Initiative: 6
Defense: 2
Running Speed: 18/36
Size: 7
TypeDamageDice Pool
Claw 1L 10
Bite 3L 12


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