
The esteemed role of Doyen within the Rainbow Guild represents the pinnacle of leadership and responsibility. Doyens are revered as the stalwart guardians of the guild's operations, the well-being of its members, and the advancement of the entire industry. With a deep sense of dedication and unwavering commitment, Doyens play a vital role in shaping the guild's culture, fostering collaboration, and ensuring that the legacy of color craftsmanship thrives.   Doyens are active, hands-on leaders who are deeply engaged in all facets of the guild's activities. They oversee and coordinate the various guild operations, ensuring that every aspect runs smoothly and efficiently. From organizing workshops and exhibitions to managing collaborative projects and industry partnerships, Doyens take on the role of visionaries and strategists, guiding the guild towards continued growth and excellence.   One of the paramount responsibilities of Doyens is the well-being of guild members. They serve as mentors, advisors, and pillars of support for individuals at all levels of the guild hierarchy. Doyens actively nurture a collaborative and supportive environment, fostering camaraderie, open communication, and the exchange of knowledge. They are approachable and empathetic, always ready to offer guidance and assistance to members in need.   Moreover, Doyens are industry leaders, representing the Rainbow Guild in wider artistic and professional circles. They are tasked with advocating for the importance of color craftsmanship, promoting the guild's values, and contributing to the broader discourse on color theory and application. Doyens actively seek out opportunities for collaboration with other guilds, institutions, and artists, elevating the guild's reputation and influence.   To ascend to the esteemed rank of Doyen, members must have demonstrated exceptional leadership qualities, a history of active participation, and a profound commitment to the guild's mission. They should have a track record of mentoring and guiding fellow guild members, fostering a sense of community, and driving collective success. Candidates for the role of Doyen should embody the guild's core values of creativity, collaboration, and excellence.   In essence, Doyens are the heart and soul of the Rainbow Guild, embodying its principles, guiding its direction, and ensuring the flourishing of color craftsmanship for generations to come. Their presence inspires, their leadership empowers, and their dedication ensures that the guild's vibrant legacy remains an enduring beacon of artistic expression and innovation.


Before attaining the esteemed title of Doyen within the Rainbow Guild, individuals must have traversed a substantial journey of growth and mastery within the guild's vibrant realm. A prospective Doyen must first dedicate a considerable amount of time within the guild, immersing themselves in the intricate world of colors, dyes, and pigments. This tenure allows them to forge a deep understanding of the guild's principles, techniques, and artistic nuances.   Crucially, aspiring Doyens must ascend to the level of expertise represented by the rank of Saturation Artisan. This achievement signifies their profound mastery of crafting dyes with varied intensities and achieving different levels of saturation. It showcases their ability to infuse colors with richness, depth, and vibrancy, a hallmark of the guild's excellence.   Beyond technical prowess, those who aspire to become Doyens must embody the essence of the guild's ethos. They are individuals who personify the art of dye making, consistently producing colors that are not only visually captivating but also possess an exceptional quality and durability. Their creations resonate with a profound understanding of color theory, composition, and alchemical processes.   A keen eye for quality is a defining trait of potential Doyens. They hold themselves to the highest standards, meticulously scrutinizing every shade, hue, and pigment they create. Their commitment to excellence is unwavering, and they continuously seek to elevate their craft through refinement, innovation, and experimentation.   Moreover, aspiring Doyens should display exceptional leadership qualities and a dedication to fostering a collaborative and supportive environment within the guild. They engage actively in guild operations, demonstrating a commitment to the well-being of fellow members and the advancement of the guild's mission.


To be eligible for the esteemed rank of Doyen within the Rainbow Guild, individuals must satisfy a comprehensive set of criteria that reflect their profound dedication to the guild's operations, their commitment to member well-being, and their capacity for industry leadership. The qualifications and aspects that must be complied with to be eligible for the rank of Doyen include:
  • Years of Service: Candidates should have demonstrated a significant and sustained involvement in the guild over an extended period, showcasing their commitment and dedication.
  • Expertise in Dye Making: Doyen candidates must have achieved a high level of expertise in the art of dye making, exemplifying the guild's craft and mastering various techniques and color applications.
  • Leadership Skills: Individuals seeking the rank of Doyen should exhibit strong leadership qualities, inspiring and guiding other guild members through their actions, words, and mentorship.
  • Collaborative Spirit: Doyen candidates must be known for their willingness to collaborate with fellow guild members, fostering a sense of unity, camaraderie, and mutual support within the guild.
  • Commitment to Well-Being: Eligible candidates should prioritize the well-being and growth of guild members, actively contributing to a positive and inclusive guild environment.
  • Industry Influence: Doyen candidates should have made a tangible impact on the dye-making industry, contributing to its advancement, innovation, and reputation.
  • Advocacy for the Guild: Individuals aspiring to the role of Doyen should be strong advocates for the guild's values, objectives, and contributions, both within the guild and the broader community.
  • Innovation and Adaptability: Doyen candidates must have demonstrated a capacity for innovation and adaptability, contributing fresh ideas and approaches to dye making while staying attuned to industry trends.
  • Mentorship and Guidance: Eligible individuals should have actively mentored and guided guild members, assisting them in their dye-making journey and contributing to the growth of the guild's collective knowledge.
  • Ethical Standards: Doyen candidates must adhere to the highest ethical standards, serving as a role model for others and upholding the guild's code of conduct.
  • Active Participation: Candidates should have a history of active participation in guild activities, events, and initiatives, contributing to the overall vibrancy and engagement of the guild.


Elevation to the revered position of Doyen within the Rainbow Guild is a result of democratic consensus and collective recognition of an individual's dedication, expertise, and leadership. As a culmination of their journey through the guild's ranks, candidates for the title of Doyen are nominated and subject to a vote by their fellow guild members. This process underscores the guild's values of collaboration and camaraderie, as each member's voice carries equal weight. Nominees who have showcased an unwavering commitment to the art of dye making, along with an exceptional ability to foster a supportive and harmonious guild environment, stand as prime candidates for this honor. The voting process reflects the guild's emphasis on collective wisdom and shared vision, ensuring that those selected as Doyens have garnered the respect and trust of their peers. The elected Doyen then assumes the responsibility of being a guardian of guild operations, a mentor to aspiring members, and a beacon of industry leadership. Through this democratic process, the Rainbow Guild upholds its tradition of fostering an environment where every member's contribution is valued, and where leadership emerges from a foundation of mutual respect and shared purpose.


The esteemed rank of Doyen within the Rainbow Guild carries with it a significant set of moral obligations that reflect the crucial role these individuals play in overseeing guild operations, fostering a supportive environment, and providing industry leadership.   Foremost among the moral obligations of a Doyen is the responsibility to ensure the well-being and harmony of the guild's members. Doyens are expected to cultivate an inclusive and collaborative atmosphere, where every member feels valued, respected, and supported in their creative pursuits. This includes actively addressing conflicts, promoting positive interactions, and encouraging a culture of camaraderie and mutual growth.   Doyens must also champion the values and mission of the Rainbow Guild. They are entrusted with upholding the guild's reputation for excellence, integrity, and innovation. This requires leading by example, demonstrating a commitment to ethical conduct, and inspiring others to embrace these principles in their interactions both within and outside the guild.   Ethical leadership is a cornerstone of the Doyen role. They are entrusted with guiding and mentoring guild members, especially those in leadership positions, to ensure that the guild operates smoothly and effectively. Doyens must provide guidance, offer constructive feedback, and empower others to fulfill their roles with confidence and competence.   Another important moral obligation of Doyens is to foster a culture of continuous learning and growth. They should actively seek opportunities to enhance their own knowledge and skills, as well as encourage and facilitate educational initiatives for guild members. By promoting ongoing education, Doyens contribute to the overall advancement of the guild and its members.   Furthermore, Doyens are charged with advocating for the Rainbow Guild within the broader artistic and creative community. They should actively engage in industry events, collaborations, and partnerships that contribute to the guild's visibility and impact. By sharing the guild's expertise and contributions, Doyens help strengthen its influence and reputation in the artistic world.


The rank of Doyen within the Rainbow Guild entails a multifaceted role that centers on ensuring the guild's overall success, quality standards, and harmonious operations. Doyens are entrusted with a range of important tasks that contribute to the guild's stability, growth, and reputation. The tasks associated with the rank of Doyen include:
  • Quality Oversight: Doyens hold a critical role in upholding the guild's commitment to producing high-quality dyes, pigments, and color-related products. They meticulously inspect and assess the quality of each batch of dyes, ensuring that they meet the guild's established standards of excellence.
  • Training and Mentorship: Doyens actively engage in training and mentoring guild members, particularly those in lower ranks. They share their expertise, techniques, and insights to foster skill development and elevate the craftsmanship of all members.
  • Conflict Resolution: In the event of conflicts or disputes within the guild, Doyens serve as mediators, working to facilitate open communication and find amicable solutions. Their role is to maintain a harmonious and collaborative environment among guild members.
  • Guild Leadership: Doyens play a leadership role within the guild, guiding its strategic direction, making informed decisions, and ensuring that the guild's values and mission are upheld. They collaborate with other guild leaders to shape the overall vision of the Rainbow Guild.
  • Chapterhouse Communication: Doyens are responsible for maintaining positive and cooperative relationships with the guild's various chapterhouses. They facilitate communication, information sharing, and collaborative efforts among different guild locations.
  • Resource Management: Ensuring the guild's livelihood involves managing resources effectively. Doyens oversee the procurement of raw materials, financial resources, and other essentials necessary for the guild's day-to-day operations.
  • External Relations: Doyens engage with surrounding towns and communities to foster goodwill and promote the guild's interests. They may negotiate partnerships, collaborations, or trade agreements that benefit both the guild and the local area.
  • Continuous Improvement: Doyens lead initiatives aimed at continuous improvement within the guild. They identify opportunities for innovation, streamlining processes, and implementing best practices to enhance the guild's efficiency and productivity.
  • Preserving Traditions: Doyens ensure that the guild's rich traditions, history, and values are upheld and passed down to future generations. They play a role in preserving the guild's legacy and ensuring that its cultural significance is maintained.
  • Inspiring Unity: Doyens inspire a sense of unity and shared purpose among guild members. They foster a supportive and collaborative atmosphere that encourages members to contribute their best efforts and work together towards common goals.


Becoming a Doyen within the Rainbow Guild bestows upon you the esteemed role of a guild guardian, entrusted with the preservation of its legacy, the advancement of its members, and the harmonious functioning of the guild as a whole. As a Doyen, you wield influence not only through your mastery of color but also through your adept leadership and mediation skills. Your guidance shapes the guild's path, ensuring the quality and innovation of its dyes while fostering an environment of camaraderie and collaboration. The benefits of this rank extend beyond the walls of the guild, as your diplomatic expertise allows you to cultivate positive relationships with neighboring towns and resources, securing the guild's access to essential materials. You are not only a skilled artisan but also a mentor and mediator, resolving conflicts and ensuring that the guild thrives in all aspects. Your counsel is sought, and your presence is felt, making you a central pillar of the Rainbow Guild's foundation and growth.

Accoutrements & Equipment

Doyens within the Rainbow Guild hold a prestigious position that demands a distinct and dignified appearance. They typically dress in elegant attire that reflects their status as leaders and mentors within the guild. This attire often includes richly colored robes or garments adorned with intricate patterns and designs, symbolizing their deep connection to the art of color and dye. Doyens may also wear ceremonial accessories, such as brooches or pins, that signify their role in guiding the guild's operations and fostering a collaborative environment. In terms of tools, Doyens wield a combination of traditional and modern implements, including fine brushes, precision measuring instruments, and specialized dye-making equipment. Their tools are a reflection of their expertise in the craft and their responsibility for maintaining the quality and standards of the guild's work. As leaders, Doyens also carry the responsibility of effective communication and coordination, making their tools not only instruments of creativity but also symbols of their leadership and dedication to the guild's mission.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

Dismissal from the esteemed position of Doyen within the Rainbow Guild is a rare and serious matter, requiring substantial cause and careful consideration. Grounds for dismissal may include severe breaches of trust, misconduct that compromises the guild's reputation, neglect of duties that directly affect the livelihood of the guild and its members, or actions that result in harm to the guild's members or objectives.   The procedure for dismissing a Doyen involves a formal inquiry and deliberation process. The concerned member or members of the guild may submit a formal complaint outlining the alleged misconduct or grounds for dismissal. The Guildmaster, in consultation with senior guild members and possibly a council of trusted peers, will review the complaint and gather any relevant evidence or testimony.   A fair and transparent investigation will be conducted, affording the accused Doyen the opportunity to present their side of the story and provide any evidence in their defense. During this process, due diligence will be taken to ensure a thorough examination of the matter.   Once the investigation is complete, a decision will be reached through a collective deliberation by the Guildmaster, senior guild members, and the council. If the decision is made to dismiss the Doyen, a formal announcement will be made to the guild members, explaining the reasons for the dismissal and ensuring that the guild's best interests and reputation are upheld.   It is important to note that the dismissal of a Doyen is a serious step taken only in cases of significant misconduct or negligence, and the guild's procedures prioritize fairness, due process, and the well-being of the guild and its members.
Status: 3-5
Resources: 3-5
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