Far-Arch Generation Project Researcher

The Researchers of the Far-Arch Generation Project ensure that all those able to use the energy of the Ley-Lines are able to do so, and do so safely. This role originated with their founder, João Missoni, an elemental leaning Lost who required the use of lightning and storms to maintain his ability to defend himself.



In order to be accepted by the Far-Arch Generation Project as a researcher one must have the ability to manipulate the elemental forces of electricity or plasma. Doing so can be a rather interesting phenomenon. Once a potential researcher has proven their ability to do so, they can be trained in the wielding of Far-Arch and its electromagnetic plasma.

Career Progression

Once an individual has been accepted and trained, a Researcher is able to use Far-Arch. Doing so requires concentration and the fortitude of spirit to channel the energy. Though the Far-Arch Generation Project is not a formal guild or governing body, they work as independent researchers to better facilitate the livelihood of those that require electricity and the use of energies.

Payment & Reimbursement

As the Far-Arch Generation Project is more of a collection of free thinkers and wielders of Ley-Line energy, there is no official payment for their expertise. Payment usually comes by way of them taking on apprentices to train them in the use of power. This is different from person to person and what would be accepted as appropriate.

Other Benefits

The Researchers of the Far-Arch Generation Project are one of the few to be backed by the mages of Echo lake and the Arcane practitioners of the other three cities. As such the use of this ability, once trained, will help to garner respect instead of suspicion.   Those who have completed the training receive the mark of Terra. A rather unique marking that appears on the body of the practitioners once they are able to use the energy appropriately. This usually manifests as an arching bird like symbol that appears on the researcher's dominant hand. This symbol is impossible to reproduce, and consists of a sort of unknown arcane brand that looks much like the project's logo. Attempts to remove the brand have been unsuccessful, though the mark seems to have no impact on the wearer aside from marking their ability.

Alternative Names
The Branded, Thunderbirds, The Spear of Terra
The ability to wield Far-Arch is extremely rare, those belonging to the researches are highly regarded
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