
Far-Arch is the electromagnetic electricity that can be gained by communion with the Ley-Lines of Terra. This energy is rare and difficult to manage, requiring training and the propensity for the manipulation of forces.


Material Characteristics

Far-Arch is a discharge of electromagnetic energy pulled from the various patterns on Terra. This is seen as an arch of light-like energy. The production of the element also produces Ozone (O3) As well as Nitric Oxide (NO) and Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2)

Physical & Chemical Properties

Though Far-Arch is an intense electrical field it can only be used by those capable of the Arcane. Such energy may be used in the application of contracts and other arcane means. Far-Arch energy cannot be harnessed for long term use, such as the presence of electricity, though short term burst and short term holds have been effective.

Geology & Geography

Far-Arch is created by tapping into the Ley-Lines of Terra. These straight alignments are drawn between various structures, landmarks and various places of high concentrations of magical energy. Some believe that these lines are in alignment with such points due to the fact that naturally individuals are drawn to deliberately erect structures along them. These mysterious pathways have yet to be properly mapped. 
  All of the Four cities sit on the intersections of these lines, there are also various "Hot Spots" that exist that makes the extraction of Far-Arch more efficient. Though the adept are able to pull from this resource, it takes study and skill to determine the best methods to do so.

Life & Expiration

Far-Arch has an extremely fast Half Life once drawn from the earth. Records have shown that the expiration of electrical like plasma may last upwards 9 seconds when wielded by those who have the ability to do so. Once wielded the energy is discharged. Further usage of Far-Arch must be obtained by tapping back into the web like Ley-Lines of Terra. It is unfortunately not possible to drill or create machinery to channel this energy from the web of Terra, and must be done through an Arcane host.

History & Usage


Discovered by João Missoni, a member of the Iron Gate Freehold. Although the use of electricity is highly restricted by the four cities, there are those that require it's presence of the use of contracts and other such phenomenon. Please see the attached report.

Everyday use

Those able to use electrical energy for the maintenance of their Arcane skills, contracts and abilities are able to train into the use and extraction of Far-Arch. Though the skill takes training and considerable skill in the manipulation of electrical impulses, the talent is fairly rare. Many who are inexperienced in the wielding of energies have found no success in the extraction of Far-Arch.   Those with the ability to wield Far-Arch have mostly hailed from those with the ability to specifically manipulate electrical and plasma like energies. Those of the Awakened, Lost and Humans with the psychic ability to manipulate energy have had the most success, otherwise the use of Far-Arch is far from from a common, and everyday power source. Such energy is not possible to harness for the use of technology similar to that pre-End

Cultural Significance and Usage

Initially there was a great deal of reluctance surrounding the usage of Far-Arch. This was in part due to the negative repercussions of the use and presence of electricity. Such an event did take place in the city of New Angeles and lead to the depletion of their mine and the death of several of the dragonette species. A true tragedy.   After much testing, it has been discovered that the use of Far-Arch has no impact on the Twilight, Terra or the wellspring of energy that fuels the ley lines of the planet. Though the source of this energy is not fully understood, it is considered a renewable and environmentally friendly power source due to it's nature.   Those who have been trained in the use of Far-Arch gain an arcane brand marking them as a wielder of this curious energy. Though attempts have been made to replicate the brand, it is thought to be a brand gifted from Terra herself. The shape of the brand is a rather curious one, like a mythological thunderbird which appears on the wielders dominant hand.


The use of Far-Arch must be done by those who are adept at the manipulation of elemental forces. Such individuals may undergo training in order to properly detect and acquire the energy from the electromagnetic web work. The few who have attempted to do so without prior training have found themselves in dire straights. Previous tampering with Far-Arch untrained has resulted in some of the following:




Phelec Norn Lost Death due to internal branding
Tallic Awakened Spontaneous Combustion
Veronique Delyone Human Plasma cellular deregulation
Kyle Forbes Human hemorrhage
GrandSmythe Lost Cerebral Electrical Cascade
Justyce Delphinia Kindred Became Ash?


Law & Regulation

The wielding of Far-Arch is overseen by the four cities to ensure that the use of Ley-Line electromagnetic electricity is being used by those with the ability to do so. Failure to request and receive training in such aptitudes can result in fines to be paid to any injured party. Any damage inflicted on individuals and their property due to the misuse of Far-Arch is the direct responsibility of those who have wielded the energy improperly.   For More information regarding the training and use of Far-Arch you may contact the Far-Arch Generation Project in any of the four cities.


Varies (Blue, White, Purple and Green)
Boiling / Condensation Point
Not Applicable
Melting / Freezing Point
Not Applicable
Common State
Energy and may be concentrated into Plasma
Related Locations


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Aug 21, 2023 22:27 by Tlcassis Polgara | Arrhynsia

This is a very nice article - well done. It needs links to the rest of your world so people ( like me) can get context about your world.

Follow my worlds: Arrhynsia and Compendium and check out my author website at tlcassis.com to see my latest work!