
This cross-breed of blushberries and fear gortach provides the healing benefits of blushberries, but at a steep price. Those who eat the lush purple berries that dangle from the stalks of the tall grass find that the taste is just too good to give up. Yes, it heals, but that doesn’t stop the character from wanting more. The character who has eaten nevernip must succeed at a Wits + Composure roll if he encounters the plant in the next scene or he must consume it again. Characters who have the Gluttony Vice suffer a three-dice penalty to this roll. Nevernip, unlike fear gortach, doesn’t affect mortals or other non-fae. (Requires blood to grow.)


Nevernip grows along the edges and scattered throughout the sites of old battlefields, cemetaries, or areas where the land is soaked in blood. It is rare to find in the wild however it is said that happening across a patch of Nevernip may put you in proximity to the 'fear gorta', but surely that is only a myth.

Growth & Cultivation

Nevernip requires blood to grow, regardless of what is done to blend to two plants together. As such, that can present a challenge for some.


Geographic Distribution
Book: Rites of Spring 131

This species has multiple parents, only the first is displayed below.
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