Rhonin Phoebus

Rhonin Phoebus

An Terra born travelling swordsman she operates with her cabal as a healer and beast tamer. Known to frequent the deep woods her survival skills and keen perceptions are valued assets to her allies, the demise of many a foe.

Mental characteristics


Skysworn Tranquil Scale Adamantine Arrow

Mental Trauma

Doesn't Everyone?


Rhonin Phoebus

Sister (Vital)

Towards Adonis Phoebus



Adonis Phoebus

Brother (Vital)

Towards Rhonin Phoebus




The early years of Adonis and Rhonin were filled with wonder and discovery as they grew up together in the idyllic town of Echo. Born as twins, their journey into the world of magic and mysticism began with the nurturing guidance of their parents and the enchanting surroundings of their hometown. Adonis and Rhonin's mother, a powerful Thyrsus mage, instilled in them a deep love and respect for nature. She often took them on expeditions into the nearby woods, teaching them to connect with the natural world and the spirits that resided within it. These early adventures ignited the twins' fascination with the mysteries of the natural world.
  Their father, a renowned city doctor, imparted upon them a strong sense of responsibility and compassion. He encouraged them to use their gifts, both magical and practical, for the betterment of their community. His lessons instilled in them a desire to help others and a commitment to serving their fellow townspeople.
  It was during one of these family outings, when Adonis and Rhonin were around eight years old, that their lives took a dramatic turn. Engaged in a survival exercise in the woods, Adonis faced a life-threatening encounter with a massive wild boar. In the face of danger, his latent magical abilities awoke, and he experienced a profound awakening at the Watchtower of the Singing Stone. This event would forever bind him to the mystical path of the Thyrsus.
  Rhonin, awakened in the same moment as her brother, having fallen into the remnants of a cave entrance, tumbling into the pit. Rhonin was equally captivated by the magical world. She displayed an early affinity for the Thyrsus path as well and shared in their mother's teachings about the interconnectedness of all living things. As Adonis began his training within the Adamantine Arrow, Rhonin too followed suit, joining the same mage order and embracing its martial philosophy. Adhering to her mentorship with the sword and following a martial lifestyle of discipline.
  As they matured, the twins' magical journeys diverged in some ways. While both mastered differing aspects of the Life Arcanum; Adonis delved deeper into the perfecting of his body and senses , while Rhonin remained dedicated to mastering the Thyrsus arts of healing. Adonis to refining the primal to tap into the social applications; Rhonin receding deeper into the wilds itself. Adonis joining the monk like Legacy of the Perfected Adepted while Rhonin took up the mantle of the Demonwind to hone the edge of her blade. Despite these differences, their mutual respect and unwavering support for each other remained a constant source of strength.   Throughout their childhood, Adonis and Rhonin's bond as twins only grew stronger. They were each other's closest confidants and allies, sharing their magical discoveries and challenges. Their shared experiences forged an unbreakable connection that would serve them well in the years to come.
  The twins' upbringing in Echo, shaped by their mother's reverence for nature and their father's sense of duty, laid the foundation for their future as mages. Their early adventures, the awakening of Adonis's magical abilities, and their shared commitment to their community would ultimately set the stage for their remarkable and intertwined destinies in the mystical world.

Nicknames & Petnames

Rhonin - Ro
Adonis - Bo

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Adonis and Rhonin, being twins who grew up in the same nurturing environment and shared a deep bond, had several shared interests that strengthened their connection and enriched their magical journeys:
  Nature and the Outdoors: Both Adonis and Rhonin developed a profound love for nature from a young age, thanks to their mother's teachings and family outings into the woods. They shared a fascination with the natural world, its beauty, and the spirits that dwelled within it. Exploring the outdoors, communing with wildlife, and experiencing the wonders of the wilderness were activities they cherished together.   Mystical Exploration: The twins were equally captivated by the mystical and arcane. They shared a curiosity about the hidden aspects of reality, such as the existence of spirits, magic, and the supernatural. This shared interest in the mystical world fueled their desire to become mages and delve into the secrets of the Awakened.   Martial Training: When both Adonis and Rhonin joined the Adamantine Arrow, they embraced the order's martial philosophy. Training in combat and honing their physical and magical skills became a shared pursuit. They practiced together, sparring and refining their abilities, which not only strengthened their bond but also prepared them for the challenges they would face as mages.   Community Service: Inspired by their father's dedication to helping others as a city doctor, Adonis and Rhonin shared a commitment to serving their community. They often volunteered their magical and medical skills to assist those in need, reinforcing their sense of duty and compassion.   Shared Magical Discoveries: As they delved deeper into their magical paths, Adonis and Rhonin shared their discoveries and insights with each other. They discussed spells, rituals, and their experiences in the mystical world, providing valuable support and guidance on their respective journeys.   Sibling Bond: Beyond their shared interests, the most profound connection between Adonis and Rhonin was their sibling bond. They were each other's confidants, mentors, and sources of emotional support. Their unwavering loyalty to one another transcended their magical pursuits and remained a constant source of strength throughout their lives.   These shared interests not only deepened the twins' connection but also shaped their paths within the mystical world, influencing the choices they made and the impact they would have on their community and the broader magical community.

Shared Acquaintances

Kit Halliday

Legal Status

Twin Siblings

Current Location
Adonis Phoebus (Brother)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
More than a duck
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
First Tongue, Common Tongue


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