Singing Glitterfin Fish

The Singing Glitterfin Fish is a captivating creature that inhabits the mysterious cave systems of New Angeles. This bioluminescent fish boasts a unique appearance, characterized by its pale and shimmering scales that glimmer with a soft, ethereal glow in the darkness of its subterranean habitat.  

Basic Information


The Singing Glitterfin Fish exhibits a unique physical design that sets it apart from other fish species. It possesses a streamlined body shape, ideal for navigating fast subterranean flowing water with agility and precision. The fish has a moderately elongated body, allowing it to swiftly maneuver through narrow crevices and passages within the cave systems.   In terms of limbs, the Singing Glitterfin Fish possesses a set of tetrapod-like limbs. It has four limbs, two on each side of its body. These limbs are specialized for both swimming and terrestrial locomotion, enabling the fish to navigate both water and land within its underground habitat. The limbs exhibit a diagonal-couplets lateral sequence gait, meaning that when it walks or climbs, the limbs on one side of the body move in coordination with the opposite limbs on the other side.   The skeletal structure of the Singing Glitterfin Fish is notable for its robust pelvic girdle, which is firmly attached to its vertebral column. This pelvic girdle provides stability and support for the fish's locomotion, allowing it to execute its unique diagonal-couplets gait effectively. The strong and well-developed skeletal structure is crucial for withstanding the physical demands of moving through fast-flowing subterranean water and traversing uneven cave surfaces.   Additionally, the fish possesses a swim bladder, a gas-filled organ located in its abdomen. This swim bladder aids buoyancy control, enabling the fish to adjust its position in the water column. The swim bladder of the Singing Glitterfin Fish is surrounded by specialized "sonic muscles" that are responsible for creating the enchanting singing sounds emitted by the fish. These muscles contract and relax to produce harmonic tones, which resonate through the water and the cave systems, giving the species its unique auditory signature.

Genetics and Reproduction

The reproductive behavior of the Singing Glitterfin Fish is a remarkable spectacle that takes place at Twilight Lake, marking the first full moon of April. This annual event is both a perilous journey and a mesmerizing display of courtship.   After sunset, the Singing Glitterfin Fish begins its arduous migration from the cave systems of New Angeles, making its way to Twilight Lake. The fish must navigate through the treacherous waters while evading predators that lie in wait, ready to prey upon them. This part of the journey is fraught with danger, as the fish rely on their agility and sensory abilities to survive.   Once the Singing Glitterfin Fish reaches the open waters of Twilight Lake, a breathtaking sight unfolds. The small bioluminescent fish gather together, creating a mesmerizing display of light and movement. They swim in intricate swirling patterns, resembling stars scattered through the water, and produce a chittering chorus of sounds.   The combined singing and reverberations of hundreds of Singing Glitterfin Fish can have significant effects on their surroundings. The vibrations and sound waves produced by their chittering have been known to cause damage to the hulls of boats and even trigger small landslides and tremors in the nearby mines. The intense chittering can also have adverse effects on humans, causing temporary hearing loss in those who venture into the water to swim among the fish.   During this courtship ritual, the Singing Glitterfin Fish lay their eggs in the waters of Twilight Lake. Once this crucial task is complete, the fish begin their return journey, making their way back down to the safety of the cave systems. The gestation period and development of the eggs within the cave systems are not specified in the provided information.

Growth Rate & Stages

The growth rate and stages of the Singing Glitterfin Fish are intricately tied to its unique habitat and migration patterns. After the eggs are laid in the waters of Twilight Lake, the young Singing Glitterfin Fish undergo a series of developmental stages before they return to the safety of the cave systems as juveniles.   Once the eggs hatch, the fish enter the larval stage. During this stage, they are highly vulnerable and possess underdeveloped physical characteristics. Larvae feed on tiny organisms present in the waters, gradually growing and developing their bodies. They rely on the currents to carry them, helping them navigate and find suitable feeding grounds.   As the larvae grow, they undergo a transformation into juveniles. Their bodies become more elongated, and their fins and limbs begin to develop and strengthen. At this stage, the fish start to exhibit some of the specialized adaptations that enable them to thrive in their subterranean habitat, such as their tetrapod-like limbs and robust skeletal structure.   Once they have reached a certain size and developmental stage, the young Singing Glitterfin Fish begin their migration back to the cave systems. Guided by their innate instincts, they navigate through the open waters, utilizing their sensory and extrasensory capabilities to avoid predators and find their way. This journey is filled with risks, as they must once again contend with potential predators and challenging environmental conditions.   Upon reaching the cave systems, the juveniles establish their new home. The caves provide protection and resources necessary for their continued growth and survival. Here, they will further develop their physical features, refine their locomotion skills, and hone their abilities to navigate the dark and intricate cave networks.

Ecology and Habitats

The Singing Glitterfin Fish thrives in the optimal environment of the cave systems found in New Angeles. These subterranean habitats provide the ideal conditions for the species' unique adaptations and way of life. The cave systems provide a steady supply of fast-flowing subterranean water, which is crucial for the fish's specialized locomotion. Their tetrapod-like limbs and robust pelvic girdle allow them to maneuver swiftly through these water currents, making use of their diagonal-couplets lateral sequence gait. The flowing water provides both a means of transportation and a source of sustenance, carrying nutrients and potential prey for the fish.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Despite its captivating physical design and unique adaptations, the Singing Glitterfin Fish is blind, lacking functional eyes. Living in the darkness of the cave systems, it has evolved alternative sensory and extrasensory capabilities to navigate and perceive its environment.   To compensate for its lack of vision, the Singing Glitterfin Fish relies heavily on its other senses. Its lateral line system, a series of sensitive receptors along its body, allows it to detect vibrations and movements in the water. This sensory system helps the fish sense water currents, potential prey, and nearby objects, aiding in navigation and hunting.

5 to 7 years.
Average Weight
1-2 ounces
Geographic Distribution


Type: Standard


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