So you Want to Play a Mage? Character creation 101



Characters Submissions

You must submit your character at least two days prior to game to be able to play that game night. The STs have a great deal of prep work on game days, on top of our day to day lives. The Lead ST also takes off the Saturday before game and so is not available for character approval. Games are every two weeks, so this still gives plenty of time for character submissions.


All PCs must be at least 18, physically and mentally.


  We realize that backgrounds will get fleshed out a little during the course of play, however all major life events must be approved by the STs before entering play. This includes traumatic events, deaths, etc. If through the course of play, you wish to add a major even, please get it approved by an ST first. This is so that we can keep consistency in the game.  

While yes, this is the world of darkness, and bad things do happen, many settings in our world do have safeguards against these. There are safeguards that prevent the worst from happening, especially when it comes to children.

Please also be mindful that if your PCs have a traumatic past, that while it can add flavor and enhance RP, it can also be triggering for others. Please be mindful of this and do not force your PCs trauma on everyone.

Base Creation

All characters are started the same way, regardless of creature type. Using The World of Darkness core rule book create your base character. (pg 34) Use a character sheet that will be posted in your player room.

All player may have a maximum of 3 characters, a seasoned character, expert character, and heroic character, though they must all be different creature types. IE. You can play a Vampire, Changeling and Mage for example, but you could not play two vampires and a mage. The only exception to this is in the case of mortals, though you cannot apply a template to more than one mortal. You are also limited to one Restricted creature type. Please keep in mind this does not mean that everyone will be approved a restricted template, these types of characters are rare, and as such will be heavily limited. As the game progresses, restrictions will change

When you create your character/s you must determine what type it is (Seasoned, Expert or Heroic)

1. Select Attributes.
Prioritize the three categories (5/4/3). Your character begins with one dot in each Attribute automatically. The fifth dot in any Attribute costs two dots to purchase.

2. Select Skills.
Prioritize the three categories (11/7/4). The fifth dot in any Skill costs two dots to purchase.

3. Select Skill Specialties.
Take three Skill Specialties of your choice. There is no limit to how many Specialties can be assigned to a single Skill.

Add Mage template

1. Choose a Path A mage’s Path represents his innate magical connection to a higher reality. It is a result of his Awakening. His soul has journeyed to one of the five Supernal Realms and his name has been written on the Watchtower there. By means of this sympathetic connection the mage can draw down the laws of that Supernal Realm, performing magic.

A character’s Path colors the aura of his magic, and it often seeps into his dreams, influencing his imagination and even behavior at times. His Supernal Realm calls to him and he feels most at home amidst places or imagery that evoke its strange lands. Symbology and myths that hint at the places and presences of his realm are also important and vital to his method of practicing his Art.

  Acanthus - Enchanters on the Path of Thistle, Scions of the Watchtower of the Lunargent Thorn in the Realm of Arcadia, Kingdom of Enchantment and Abode of the Fae
Mastigos - Warlocks on the Path of Scourging, Scions of the Watchtower of the Iron Gauntlet in the Realm of Pandemonium, Kingdom of Nightmares and Abode of Demons
Moros - Necromancers on the Path of Doom, Scions of the Watchtower of the Lead Coin in the Realm of Stygia, Kingdom of Crypts and Abode of Shades
Obrimos - Theurges on the Path of the Mighty, Scions of the Watchtower of the Golden Key in the Realm of The Aether, Kingdom of the Celestial Spheres and Abode of Angels
Thyrsus - Shamans on the Path of Ecstasy, Scions of the Watchtower of the Singing Stone in the Realm of the Primal Wild, Kingdom of Totems and Abode of Beasts

2. Choose an Order
The Adamantine Arrow: spiritual warriors and masters of conflict, who claim a heritage going back to the First City's defenders. Currently, the Order of the Arrow could perhaps be described as something akin to a knightly sect, though bushido and other warrior codes find a place in The Arrow. These mages conduct intensive physical and mental training, honing the minds and bodies of other members into deadly weapons which magical society may then wield against its enemies.
Guardians of the Veil: spies and conspirators who claim their descent from the intelligence officers and enforcers of the First City's laws. Currently, they bear a resemblance to a combination of many occult conspiracies, such as the Thule. Many obscure their activities and identities even from other mages, and act as a check on humanity's dangerous curiosity for "that which man was not meant to know".
The Mysterium: dedicated to pursuit of magical lore and the acquisition, cataloguing, and study of mystical and occult knowledge and artifacts. The "mystagogues" (as they are called) continue the ancient heritage of the scholarly and intellectual of Atlantean society. Their internal structure often resembles the academic structures of the part of the world in which they reside. The Mysterium gathers, catalogues and maintains items of all types of magical and historical significance.
The Silver Ladder: dedicated to ruling, guiding and reshaping the world, the viziers, senators and priests of the First City remain in force. Politicians and authoritarians, the théarchs believe in creating a perfect hierarchy (with themselves at the top, of course) which will seize control of reality, subjugating it to the will of mankind; this dream is not without its altruistic appeal. As a member of the Ladder might point out, control over reality could bring an end to human suffering in all its forms.
The Free Council: modernists who wish to create new forms of magic, a union of mages who have discovered ways of using magic that do not adhere to the Atlantean methods, joining the other orders during the Industrial Revolution after their previous form rejected an offer from the Seers. The "Libertines", as they are also called, possess a strong belief in democratic process and anti-authoritarianism.

  3. Add Path Favored Resistance
The Awakening hones a mage’s mind to razor sharpness, making him better focused at concentration or rendering him nearly unflappable by surprises. Mages gain a +1 bonus to either their Resolve or Composure dots, depending on their Path.
Add Path Favored Resistance

Acanthus: Composure
Mastigo: Resolve
Moros: Composure
Obrimos: Resolve
Thyrsus: Composure

  4. Choose Starting Arcana and Rotes
For beginning Arcana, allocate 2 dots in one Arcanum, 2 dots in a second Arcanum, and 1 dot in a third Arcanum. Two of these Arcana must be from your character’s Ruling Arcana (based on his Path). Finally, allocate 1 additional dot in any Arcanum.
Path Ruling Arcana Inferior Arcanum
Acanthus Time/Fate Forces
Mastigos Space/Mind Matter
Moros Matter/Death Spirit
Obrimos Forces/Prime Death
Thyrsus Life/Spirit Mind

Finishing touches

  1. Determine advantages Defense = the lowest of Dexterity or Wits Health (Stamina + Size) Initiative (Dexterity + Composure) Morality (7 for starting characters, you may choose to drop this) Size (5 for most humans) Speed (Strength + Dexterity +5) Willpower (Resolve + Composure) and Virtue/Vice   2. Select Merits - There are certain merits that while universal, are not appropriate to the game setting or will need to be slightly modifies. This includes location merits and resources. All merits will be on a case by case basis.   3. Background Write up a background. This can be as detailed as you would like, but the more you give the STs to work with, the more you will see in return, both in personal plot, and bonus point. At ST discretion, you will be awarded 10-30 xp points as well as other possible awards.   4. Add starting XP Seasoned characters: add 45 experience points Expert characters: 85 experience points Heroic characters: 125 experience points *Note, when spending these points and you want to go up more than one dot in a trait, you need to pay for all the intervening levels. That is, if you go from 3 to 5 in an Attribute, it costs you 45 experience points

Articles under So you Want to Play a Mage? Character creation 101


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