Summer's Farewell

Summer's Farewell is a vibrant and joyful festival, celebrating the last days of warm abundance before the transition to autumn. The festivities take place in and around the Summer Lodge, where music, dancing, feasting, and drinking fill the air with merriment. The village is adorned with wreaths made of summer's bounty, showcasing nuts, flowers, fruits, and early grains, intricately woven in the colors of the reigning Summer Court.   As the day progresses, the revelry intensifies, and other games and events are held to entertain the attendees, depending on the preferences of the ruling court. In the hedge, the Summer Court proudly displays their trophies from the season, showcasing well-skinned pelts and exquisitely crafted items as a testament to their skill and prowess.   The highlight of the festival is a grand bonfire, symbolizing the roaring warmth and vitality of summer before it eventually gives way to the approaching autumn. The celebration is an act of defiance against the coming season of harvest and decline, a way for the Freehold to embrace the vibrant spirit of summer one last time.   If the Summer Court is reigning during the farewell to the season, their colors of green, red, orange, and yellow are prominently displayed throughout the festivities, further enhancing the joyful ambiance. The songs sung during the festival are accompanied by intense drumming and lively instruments, symbolizing the steady beating heart of summer.   Summer's Farewell is a time for unity, joy, and celebration, bringing together the whole Freehold community and visitors from nearby cities to partake in the revelry and bid farewell to the warm season with fond memories and anticipation for the next cycle of seasonal festivities.


This festival is the last chance for the revelry of the season of warm and plenty. The festivities take place in Summer Lodge, the surrounding area, as well as the hedge. There is music, dancing, feasting and drinking. The village is decorated in wreaths of summer's bounty, nuts, flowers, fruits and early grains woven elaborately with the reigning courts colours. Along with the steady revelry, other games and events will occur depending on the reigning court. In the hedge, the summer court creates a display of their trophies from the season. Well skinned pelts and items of great craftmanship are put on full display and appreciated for their skill. As the day progresses, the festivities begin to increase with a ferver. A large bonfire caps off the largest of the festivities meant to celebrate the last day of roaring warmth and life before the season fades into the growing cold of autumn. Fighting against the growing nearer of the season of harvest and decline. This festival's end is especially ferverent should the reigning court also be the Summer Court. Songs contain the intense use of drums and instruments that beat like the steady beating heart of summer.   Should the Summer court reign during the farewell to the season, they will fly their colours (Green, red, orange, yellow), and often tables will be decorated and covered in the bounty of the season.


The whole Freehold community enthusiastically participates in the Summer's Farewell festival. It is a cherished event that brings together all members of the Freehold, including the various courts, courtiers, and common residents. The Summer Lodge, where the festivities primarily take place, becomes a hub of excitement and camaraderie.   In addition to the Freehold inhabitants, many visitors from nearby cities also make the journey to partake in the celebration. The reputation of the Freehold's festivals, particularly the vibrant and joyful Summer's Farewell, draws people from far and wide. These visitors come to experience the unique and enchanting atmosphere of the Freehold, revel in the festivities, and witness the traditions of the Summer Court and its welcoming community.


The day before the Fall Equinox
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