The Summer Lodge

The Summer Lodge is a luxurious and exquisite hunting lodge, serving as the perfect resting area for the members of the Summer Court within the Freehold. Nestled amidst the breathtaking natural beauty of the realm, the lodge offers a tranquil sanctuary where the Summer Court Lost can fully immerse themselves in the warm and passionate season.   Approaching the Summer Lodge, visitors are welcomed by the sight of two large brass braziers that emit a radiant glow, hinting at the warmth and hospitality that lies within. The lodge is a magnificent stone structure, resembling more of a communal hunting lodge than a traditional one.   Stepping through the grand double doors, guests are greeted by a well-appointed communal space that exudes comfort and camaraderie. Rows of tables and chairs are spread throughout the room, providing ample space for courtiers to gather and socialize. The walls are adorned with tables with a bounty of summer delicacies - freshly baked bread, luscious fruits, abundant grains, succulent meats, and vibrant vegetables.   The atmosphere inside the Summer Lodge is further enhanced by the inviting glow of stone fireplaces nestled in the room's corners. The warm, flickering flames create an ambiance of coziness, making courtiers feel at home and welcome.   The lodge's interior is adorned with a rich red hue reminiscent of crimson summer skies before the night falls. This striking color scheme adds to the warmth and passion of the Summer Court.   In addition to its communal space, the Summer Lodge offers outdoor stables and archery, allowing courtiers to engage in leisurely activities and fully embrace the spirit of summer.  

Points of Interest

Kitchen: Behind the mess hall is a large kitchen with everything needed to feed a large group of people. Several woodwork surfaces line the walls for meal prep surrounding the impressive round-stone wood-burning stove at the center. A small room to the side contains a set of cabinets and a workspace with two large basins for cleaning. Game Room: This room features well-appointed leather and fabric sofas and chairs. Sweet summer foliage lays to the side of the room, adding to the earthy scents of the area. Several thick pelts line the stone floor giving a wild warmth to the site. A games table, perhaps once used for billiards and other games, acts as a feature at the front of the room, complete with the trappings needed. An assortment of books and trophies are showcased in the room to the side, not detracting from the general open communal area. Dormitory: The Dormitory features several comfortable beds in a communal sleeping room. Each bed space is slightly different as it features items, possessions, and the character of its user. The wooden floors add a layer of luxury and warmth to the space.

Purpose / Function

The primary purpose of the Summer Lodge is to serve as the gathering place and sanctuary for the members of the Summer Court and their esteemed guests. As the central hub of the Summer Court within the Freehold, the lodge provides a space where courtiers can convene, socialize, and engage in meaningful discussions and activities during their ruling season.   The Summer Lodge is a place of camaraderie and celebration where courtiers can come together to revel in the warmth and passion of the summer season. It offers a tranquil and luxurious setting for courtiers to relax, unwind, and enjoy the natural beauty of the Freehold. The well-appointed communal space, adorned with sumptuous feasts and warm fireplaces, fosters an atmosphere of comfort and togetherness, encouraging courtiers to bond and form lasting connections.   Additionally, the lodge symbolizes the Summer Court's domain, embodying the spirit of warmth, abundance, and joy that characterizes the season. It is a space where courtiers can fully embrace their roles as representatives of the Summer Court and honor their responsibilities to the Freehold.


The architecture of the Summer Lodge is a perfect blend of luxury and rustic charm, reflecting the essence of the Summer Court. The lodge is a grand, impressive stone structure reminiscent of a luxurious hunting lodge from bygone eras. Its exterior is adorned with intricate stonework, decorative carvings, and the large brass braziers at the entrance give it an air of majesty and welcoming warmth.   As visitors step through the double doors, they are met with a spacious and well-appointed communal space that exudes elegance and comfort. Rows of tables and chairs fill the room, providing ample seating for courtiers to gather and socialize. The tables are adorned with a lavish spread of summer delights, displaying the season's abundance in a feast of colors and flavors.   The lodge's interior is bathed in a warm and inviting glow emanating from the stone fireplaces strategically placed in the room's corners. The flickering flames add to the sense of coziness, creating an ambiance that encourages relaxation and conviviality.   The rich red hue of the floor complements the overall color scheme, evoking the vivid and passionate hues of a summer sunset. This striking design choice further emphasizes the theme of warmth and passion, paying homage to the essence of the Summer Court.   While the architecture exudes luxury and grandeur, it also incorporates elements of nature and rusticity. The lodge's surroundings, with frost-coated bushes and skeletal trees, subtly remind visitors of the duality of summer - the vibrant life and the inevitable transition into the colder seasons.


The Summer Lodge's defenses are twofold - its physical structure and the formidable power of the Summer Court's courtiers.   The lodge is well-built, combining sturdy stone and wood to create a resilient and reliable building. However, what sets it apart is the blessing of summer upon it. This enchantment grants the lodge a surprising resistance to fire, ensuring that it remains safe and protected even during the warmest and most volatile summer days. This defense is essential, as the summer season can bring about wildfires and other fire-related hazards that might threaten the lodge and its inhabitants.   While the physical defenses of the Summer Lodge are impressive, the courtiers of the Summer Court truly make it a formidable stronghold. The members of the Summer Court are known for their passion, ferocity, and enthusiasm, and they wield these attributes as their most potent defense. Should anyone threaten the lodge or its residents, they would have to contend with the wrath and might of the Summer Court.   The courtiers of the Summer Court are skilled warriors, fierce protectors, and zealous defenders of their home and their people. They rise as a united force when their sanctuary is threatened, standing as an impenetrable wall against any adversary. Their genuine dedication to their court and the Freehold makes them a force to be reckoned with, and those who would dare to challenge the Summer Lodge should be wary of the courtiers' righteous wrath.
The Summer Lodge
Owning Organization
Related Tradition (Primary)


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