Summer's Welcome

Summer's Welcome is a lively and exuberant festival that marks the arrival of the warm and bountiful season. The festivities take place throughout the Freehold, with the Summer Lodge serving as the central hub for the celebrations. The entire village is adorned with vibrant decorations, including colorful banners, flowers, and garlands, all reflecting the vibrant hues of summer.   The Summer Lodge comes alive with music, dancing, and laughter as the community gathers to rejoice in the return of long, sunlit days and plentiful harvests. Tables overflow with a delightful array of fresh fruits, succulent vegetables, and delectable dishes prepared with the bounty of the season. Meads, wines, and other refreshments are plentiful, adding to the jovial spirit of the occasion.   As the day progresses, various games, competitions, and performances are organized by the reigning Summer Court. These activities showcase the court's prowess, creativity, and skill, adding to the festival's excitement. In the hedge, the Summer Court displays their achievements from the season, exhibiting prized trophies and beautifully crafted items that highlight their accomplishments.   As the sun begins to set, the revelry reaches its peak, and a magnificent bonfire is lit, symbolizing the fiery spirit of summer. People dance around the bonfire, and the beat of drums echoes through the night, creating an energetic and captivating ambiance.


Summer's Welcome is meticulously planned and executed by the members of the Summer Court, who take great pride in showcasing the splendor and warmth of the season. The preparations begin weeks in advance, as the courtiers and volunteers work together to decorate the Freehold with colorful banners, floral arrangements, and garlands of nuts, fruits, and early grains. The Summer Lodge, being the focal point of the festival, is adorned with intricate weavings and craftsmanship that reflect the long winter days spent indoors.   On the day of the festival, the Freehold comes alive with music, laughter, and excitement. The villagers and visitors from nearby cities eagerly participate in the festivities, donning their best summer attire in vibrant shades of green, red, orange, and yellow. The atmosphere is filled with anticipation as everyone awaits the official commencement of the celebration.   The day unfolds with a series of events, games, and competitions that showcase the talents and skills of the Summer Court. These activities range from dancing and storytelling to feats of athleticism and artistry. The revelers enthusiastically partake in these games, cheering for their favorite competitors and celebrating the winners.   In the hedge, the Summer Court proudly displays their trophies and craftmanship, earning admiration from all who visit the exhibit. The beautifully skinned pelts and finely crafted items stand as a testament to the court's achievements during the warm season.   As the sun begins to set, the festivities reach a crescendo, and the centerpiece of the celebration—a massive bonfire—is lit. The bonfire symbolizes the powerful and passionate spirit of summer. People dance and sing around the flames, their laughter and joy echoing in the night.


During Summer's Welcome, the entire Freehold community eagerly participates in the festivities. The local residents, comprising changelings, humans, and other magical beings, come together to celebrate the vibrant and warm season. The revelry extends beyond the Freehold, as many visitors from nearby cities are drawn to the event, eager to experience the renowned Summer Court's grand festival.   Changelings from different courts, as well as members of neighboring Freeholds, are often among the guests. The welcoming and inclusive nature of the Summer Court's celebration makes it a popular destination for those seeking joy, camaraderie, and the essence of the season.


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