Twilight Mountain Wolf

The Twilight Mountain Wolf is a majestic and elusive predator inhabiting the rugged landscapes of the high peaks. With its robust physique and striking cinnamon-colored fur, it cuts a formidable figure against the rocky terrain. This elusive creature possesses keen senses and intelligence, making it a skilled hunter in its mountainous domain.

Basic Information

Ecology and Habitats

The Twilight Mountain Wolf inhabits the mountain ranges near Twilight Lake and New Angeles. These regions are characterized by rugged terrain, dense forests, and ample prey populations, providing ideal habitats for the Twilight Mountain Wolf to thrive.

Additional Information


The domestication of Twilight Mountain Wolves in Terra is a rare and arduous undertaking. Due to their inherently wild and predatory nature, attempts to domesticate these creatures have been met with limited success. While there may be isolated instances where individuals form bonds with Twilight Mountain Wolves, fostering relationships based on mutual trust and cooperation, such occurrences are exceptions rather than the norm. The species' instinctual behaviors and territorial tendencies make them challenging candidates for domestication, and thus, they remain primarily wild.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The Twilight Mountain Wolf holds various significance for the people of Terra inhabiting the regions surrounding Twilight Lake and New Angeles. While some communities view them with caution and occasional apprehension due to their predatory nature, others revere them as symbols of the untamed wilderness. In terms of practical use, the fur of the Twilight Mountain Wolf is occasionally sought after for its distinctive cinnamon-colored hue. However, such hunting is typically regulated to ensure sustainable populations. Additionally, some individuals may attempt to domesticate or train these wolves for various purposes, although such endeavors are often difficult due to the species' wild and independent nature.

Genetic Ancestor(s)
Geographic Distribution


Type: Standard
Physical Attributes: Strength 4, Dexterity 3, Stamina 3
Social Attributes: Presence 4, Manipulation 1, Composure 3
Mental Attributes: Intelligence 1, Wits 4, Resolve 3
Skills: Athletics 4 (running), Brawl 3, Stealth 2, Intimidation 3, Survival 4 (tracking)
Health: 7
Willpower: 6
Initiative: 6
Defense: 4
Land Speed: 25/50
Size: 4
TypeDamageDice Pool
Bite 2L 9


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