Major Events

Common Era

5001 7150

  • 2100 CE

    2150 CE

    The Last War
    Military: War

    Man's history is rife with takes of battle, and the atrocities of war… but the Last War.. that was the war to end all wars   No one really knows who dropped the first bomb, or even why it started in the first place, though there are countless theories. In the end, it doesn't really matter, the end result was the same. What is known is that the first bomb fell on the United States, and the next on Russia. By the end of the War, no country had been spared, countless were dead or dying, our world was poisoned beyond all repair and the veil lay shattered.   While the war raged on, the supernatural denizens of the world joined the fray. Some sought to mitigate as much damage as possible, while others sought to profit from the exchange. It did not take long for everyone to realize that there would be no coming back from this, and that it would continue to escalate. Various groups scrambled to convert what ships they could, in a desperate bid for survival. Only a few of those ships reached space. The ships took who they could, each following their own guidelines, but countless were left behind to die in the nuclear fallout and winter to follow.

  • 2150 CE

    Formation of the ARK

    Various groups scrambled to convert what ships they could, in a desperate bid for survival. Only a few of those ships reached space. The ships took who they could, each following their own guidelines, but countless were left behind to die in the nuclear fallout and winter to follow.   Over the years, the ships have gradually come together to form a large hodgepodge of a space station that now houses all of earth's survivors, mundane and supernatural alike. They have been monitoring the earth for signs of life, with no success to date. The population is carefully regulated, so as not to strain the ships capacities, food, water and medicine rationed out.

After the Fall

7151 and beyond

  • 5 AF

    Magic Reawakens

    Magic bagins to awaken in the world

  • 50 AF


    The Founding of New Angeles

    New Angeles
  • 57 AF

    First Record of Dragon Bonding with a Human

    Lyanna Stormwind forever altered the course of history by forming a bond with and riding a dragon, an unprecedented feat that shattered the belief that dragons were mindless beasts.

  • 65 AF

    The Formation of the Skysworn

    As the news of the first Dragon Rider spread, more people began to seek out these mythical connections, leading to the gradual formation of the Skysworn guild.

  • 98 AF

    The formation of The Watch

    The Watch was founded in 98AF by Geffrai. Geffrai's primary motivation was to establish an organization dedicated to protecting the people that would operate independently from the complex political landscape of the Alliance.

  • 299 AF

    9 /6


    A ship from the ARK plummeted to earth, bearing hundreds of refugees seeking to build a life on Terrra