Lawmaster Marius Defaul Character in Oelia | World Anvil
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Lawmaster Marius Defaul

Mayor Marius Defaul

Marius Defaul is the Sea Elf Lawmaster of Grimvalley from 532 AS to 558 AS, when he was killed by a Doppelganger.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Marius Defaul was born in Thylanor in the Obynaan Isles and was a merchant in his early life, gaining enough wealth to eventually settle in the Adirilian Town of Grimvalley. Marius, however, didn't adjust well to living a passive life. Eventually Marius became part of the local elite, eventually rising to be Mayor of Grimvalley


Lawmaster Marius Defaul


Towards Felia Defaul

Felia Defaul


Towards Lawmaster Marius Defaul

Current Location
423 AS 560 AS 137 years old
Felia Defaul (spouse)
Ruled Locations

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