Session 3: Beneath the Haunted Mansion Report Report in Oerth | World Anvil

Session 3: Beneath the Haunted Mansion Report

General Summary

"Welcome fools! Welcome to your deaths!" still rings in your ears as Karia inspects the floor and finds a trap door. Nar moves forward to search for additional traps as the party discusses what strategy should occur when Kyra speaks up "Hey there was a secret door in the Wine Cellar, maybe that's the better path to follow." Her voice falls largely unheard amongst the group discussion. In a louder voice, she repeats her information, finally getting a response from the party. Sensing that anyone waiting below would be alerted to their presence, the party follows Kyra's suggestion and backtracks through the kitchen and down to the wine cellar. Once there, Kyra politely knocks on the secret door. Hearing footsteps beyond, she flings the doors wide and battle begins with Leeroy pushing Mina into the large torchlit chamber that has been converted into living quarters. The party moves rapidly into this room targeting the opponents hidden behind cover. Nar showcases a skill in archery taking out two of the opponents and Leeroy captures the third human.   Questioning this reluctant bandit, whose goes by "Scuttle", you learn that there are others down here, but he refuses to share who or how many. He does confirm that the boss used the hauntings as a cover for smuggling operations, but while he's deliberately evasive, he clearly doesn't know much regarding the overall operation. Leeroy takes charge of Scuttle and you search the room finding personal effects in the lockers at the end of the beds. Nar unbars the eastern door and sees skeletons inside. She quickly bars the door back, but the party decides to explore into this fifteen by thirty room filled with skeletons arising from long inaction. Using the doorway as a shield, you steadily whittle down the skeletons. As the battle progresses you start to see a blue light emanating from the northeast wall until a robed skeleton comes through a hidden door lobbing acid at you. As the alchemist falls inert, you search the room and discover that each of skeletons have a gold coated rib and the alchemist has interesting items on him as well. You then search the room he exited and discover it's a laboratory that looks intact and likely hasn't been seen by anyone other than the alchemist. When searching his desk, you discover several items made of pure gold along with a book titled "Ye Secret of Ye Philosopher's Stone", as well as his spellbook.   Stepping back into the main room, you go into the northeastern room that is very disparate compared to the barracks. This room holds good furniture and appears to be well attended. It includes a comfortable-looking bed in the northwest with a wooden locker at it's foot. A small wooden table on the east wall with a shelf above it and wooden wardrobe on it's north side. Looking through this room, you discover books, a bullseye lantern, and personal effects, including another spellbook. Slipping out of the Naval Almanac, a note reads "S- The whelp was here today. You know what to do. K-".   You then move to the southeast corner of the barracks hall, discovering a secret door that leads into caverns beneath the mansion. As you descend down into the caverns and come to a junction, Leeroy states "Always turn left. If we always go left, then we should be able to find our way back out." Your party moves to left and then left past another junction. Torches are set into the walls periodically, you pass a left that quickly dead-ends and then you enter a large cavern with torches held in iron brackets around the walls. Guarding a supply of bolts of cloth and kegs are a hobgoblin and three persons including their leader Sanbalet who immediately yells "Intruders! Attack!". As the echoes of his command reverberates Nar hides behind Karia and kills a bandit with her shortbow showcasing her deadliness. Quickly the party decimates the defenses until Sanbalet lies on the ground dead. Just as you start to sigh with relief another hobgoblin and bandit come from the right fork. They are no match for your skills and quickly succumb.    Searching the bodies you find armor and personal effects as well as the stash of bolts and kegs with the seal of King Kimbertos Skotti. You then continue south and find more kegs and bolts also with his seal. Coming around a corner, you see a cave that opens directly onto the sea. The tide is out at present but you can see a high-water mark three foot up from the cave entrance as well as a small jolly boat, perhaps large enough for eight people with oars and a step-down mast. You load all of the booty into the jolly boat and sail back to Saltmarsh.   Upon arrival, Capt Eliander Fireborn meets you at the docks and states that the council will meet in three days. Until that time, you are to remain in town and he will store the contraband, the kegs and bolts, in a secure warehouse.

Rewards Granted

Treasure recovered:

10 coin purses each containing 7gp and 15sp
Book "Ye Secret of Ye Philosopher's Stone" (50gp Special buyer)
Gold human skull (20gp)
Gold Apple (5gp)
Gold Rose (5gp)
Set of five balance weights (5p each)
Spellbook containing dancing lights, comprehend languages, Tenser's floating disk, and shatter
Chemical apparatus whose total value might be 20gp
six ribs coated with gold (5gp ea)
Bag of Holding
Volume of erotic poetry, fully illustrated (10gp)
Naval Almanac for coast around Saltmarsh (10gp)
Treatise concerning the demigod Iuz and its minions
Eight bolts of silk (50gp ea, contraband)
Thirteen small kegs of brandy (10gp ea, contraband)
Ornate smoking pipe
two Mariner's armor (scale mail)
masterfully crafted loaded gaming dice (20gp)
Monsters Faced:
Skeleton Alchemist

Secrets of the Saltmarsh
Report Date
13 Sep 2021