Dean Henry

Dean Henry was a member of the Argent Clan and a long-time friend of Chris Argent.

He remained in Beacon Hills when Chris moved away, acting as his luitenant in the area. One of Victoria Argent's motivations for moving the family back to Beacon Hills was that she believed Dean would make a good mentor for Allison once they told her the truth about the supernatural and began training her as a hunter.

After Allison Argent was turned, Chris tried to dissolve the Clan, knowing most Hunters would kill her as soon as they discovered the truth. However Dean figured out the truth and refused to leave.

In 2011, he was killed by Jennifer Blake as a sacrifice to Toutis, but was able to leave a final message for Chris and Allison, warning them that they were dealing with a Darach.
Current Location
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
1979 CE 2011 CE 32 years old
Circumstances of Death
Sacrificed by Jennifer Blake
Place of Death
Aligned Organization


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