

The abuqarn is a troublesomely widespread predator. Characterized by their prominent nasal horn and tiger-striped hides, these large ceratosaurs make up for their lack of particular abilities with brute strength and hyper-aggression. Their tough hide, powerful jaws, and remarkable speed make them terrifying combatants, and their ability to leap into the air and lock their jaws into flesh gives them an edge against larger opponents. As a fight goes on, an abuqarn is overtaken by a berserker fury, causing its muscles to swell considerably. Even their roar grows powerful enough to send smaller creatures flying or stun larger foes.  
Abuqarn are solitary and nomadic; they claim no personal territory and instead invade the territories of other creatures for food, shelter, or merely to prove their own strength. An abuqarn will rarely back down from a fight, preferring to see it through to the bitter end. As a result, older abuqarn are riddled with battle scars. Unsurprisingly, the abuqarn is chosen as the totem animal of many Itharan barbarians.



50 year
Average Height
9 feet
Average Length
16 feet

Cover image: by Anthony Avon