

Sapient creatures are not immune to the warping effects of aether, even outside of Ersetu. When powerful aether concentrations afflict a sapient creature or its spirit after death, the result can be a djinn, whose supernatural power grants them a wide array of abilities and appearances. Some gain control over the elements, while others can transmute materials at will; some gain hybrid animal features and grow enormous, while others become fire and wind in humanoid form. Despite their transformation, however, djinn are not entirely detached from the material world. They must eat, drink, and sleep; they can procreate and even raise families; only time has no effect on them.  
The personality of a djinn largely depends on who they were before their transformation. Some are ancient tyrants transformed to gain power or as punishment, but some are merely adventurers or common folk warped through ill fortune. Regardless, every djinn has a weakness: their overwhelming concentrations of aether make them uniquely capable of being spiritually fused to artifacts of power, and the wielders of those artifacts can enact complete control over the bound djinn. No matter how they appear, all djinn are dangerously powerful figures at once feared for their majesty and sought for the boons they can provide.
Any genie or elemental can be used to represent a djinn, changing their type to fiend.



Transformed humanoids
Average Height
Variable; usually above 8 feet
Geographic Distribution
by BoissB

Cover image: by Anthony Avon