Items of Tron Daurat


Music of Tron Daurat  
Each instrument notes its 5E equivalent in pricing and proficiency, such as the bagpipes or viol. If an instrument does not have an associated 5E equivalent, it requires its own proficiency.



Cello (viol)

Audio Example

Violin (viol)

Audio Example







Pipe organ



Some weapons note their base 5E equivalent for proficiency, such as the great club or flail. If you have proficiency with one, you have proficiency with the other. If a weapon does not have an associated 5E equivalent, it requires its own proficiency.

Estoc (Rapier)




Finesse, Special   Riposte. If a creature within range misses you with an attack, you may make one attack of opportunity on that creature with this weapon.

Type Damage Damage Range
Martial Melee 1d6 Piercing

Cost: 25 gp






Wondrous Item


This greatsword or longsword deals an additional 1d6 fire damage. In addition, the blade glows with heat, shedding dim light for 15 feet while unsheathed.


Moonlight Sword




Ranseur (Pike)

The ranseur is the signature weapon of the moon elves. These polearms are tipped with a spearhead affixed with a cross hilt at the base; appropriate for the moon elves, this cross hilt is often in the shape of a sharp crescent. While the ranseur resembles a trident, its cross hilt is actually intended to catch the weapons or lock the limbs of opponents, temporarily trapping them so that they can either be disarmed or pulled and pushed at the weilder's wishes.




Heavy, Finesse, Reach, Two-Handed, Special   Forced Engagement: If you target a creature no more than one size larger than you with a melee attack with this weapon, you may contest your damage roll with a Strength or Dexterity saving throw from the creature instead. If the save fails against your attack roll, your attack does no damage and the creature is dragged up to 10 feet to a space within the ranseur's range.

Type Damage Damage Range
Martial Melee 1d8 Piercing


Raven's Beak (Halberd)

Trading dexterity for versatility, the raven's beak is another polearm whose head is equipped with a spear, a crushing hammer, and (hence the name) a curved spike. While a raven's beak can be thrust as a spear, the long shaft greatly increases the velocity that either the hammer head or the curved spike travel at, making both sides extremely effective at puncturing and crushing armor.

Raven's Beak



Heavy, Reach, Two-Handed

Type Damage Damage Range
Martial Melee 1d10 piercing / 1d10 bludgeoning None

Cost: 20 gp
Weight: 10 lb.


War Fan

War Fan



Finesse, Light, Special, Thrown (30/120)   Shifting Attacks. A war fan can be used as a weapon either open or closed. The fan deals slashing damage while open and bludgeoning damage while closed. A war fan can be opened or closed as a free action while weilded.

Type Damage Damage Range
Martial Melee 1d6 Slashing / 1d6 Bludgeoning None

Cost: 30gp
Weight: 2 lbs




Bark Armor



by MON
Crafted from the meteorites that carry the Nightmare, demonskin is a full-body


Wondrous Item (Light)

Rare Requires Attunement

This body-enveloping suit of armor counts as Light armor, grants AC equal to 14 + your Dex modifier (max 2), and does not confer disadvantage on Stealth checks. While wearing this armor, your Strength and Dexterity each increase by 4, your speed increases by 20 feet, you have advantage when making saving throws to resist spells and other magical effects, and you become vulnerable to psychic damage.
Any creatures that attempt to telepathically communicate with you while you wear this armor must succeed a DC 14 Charisma saving throw. On a failure, the presence of the Nightmare within the armor makes them frightened of you for 1 minute. These creatures may reattempt this saving throw at the end of their turn, ending the effect on a success.
Curse. The Nightmare preys upon the sanity of one who wears this armor. Whenever you receive psychic damage or a critical hit is made against you, you must make a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, you descend into an indefinite madness determined by the Demonskin Madness table below, which is a character flaw that lasts until cured. A remove curse spell or similar effect does not end the curse or cure any madness, but forces the armor to detach from you.
  Demonskin Madness
d100 Flaw (lasts until cured)
01–10 "I see those who oppose me not as people, but as beasts meant to be preyed upon."
11–20 "Someone is plotting to kill me. I need to strike first to stop them!"
21–30 "I will not stop fighting until all my enemies are dead. Prisoners are a waste."
31–40 "I can't allow anyone to touch anything that belongs to me. They might try to take it away from me!"
41–50 "I am awash in the awareness of life's futility."
51–60 "I convince myself that things are true, even in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary."
61–70 "My appetite for delicious, pleasurable substances knows no bounds. I'll do anything to get more."
71–80 "There is nothing more intoxicating than tempting someone to break their bond."
81–90 "Food is only worth eating if it has begun to rot. Mold and maggots are merely seasoning."
91–00 "Whispers in the stars tell me ancient secrets. I have to hear what they’re saying!"

Cost: 750 gp
Weight: 12 lbs


Adventuring Gear


Mounts and Vehicles

Below are some common mounts and vehicles that can be purchased in Tron Daurat, including their associated costs and requirements. Also listed are any items related to maintenance or improvement. An animal pulling a carriage, cart, chariot, sled, or wagon can move weight up to five times its base carrying capacity, including the weight of the vehicle. If multiple animals pull the same vehicle, they can add their carrying capacity together. All listed animals are domesticated and do not require Animal Handling checks to ride or handle.   Barding. Barding is armor designed to protect an animal’s head, neck, chest, and body. Any type of basic armor purchaseable by players can be purchased as barding. The cost and weight are multiplied from equivalent armor made for humanoids, depending on the size of the animal.   Saddles. A riding sadle is exclusively to use a creature as a mount. A pack saddle includes straps and pouches to help carry equipment. A military saddle braces the rider, helping you keep your seat on an active mount in battle. It gives you advantage on any check you make to remain mounted. An exotic saddle is required for riding any aquatic or flying mount, and some unusual mounts.  

Mounts & Other Animals

Creature Cost Speed Carrying Capacity
Sunbreath cockatrice 500 gp 50 ft. 540 lb.
Talbot cockatrice 100 gp 40 ft., fly 40 ft. 195 lb.
Marans griffon 300 gp 20 ft., fly 50 ft. 540 lb.

Tack, Harness, & Drawn Vehicles

Item Cost Weight
Barding x4 (Large)
x6 (Huge)
x8 (Gargantuan)
x2 (Large)
x4 (Huge)
x6 (Gargantuan)
Bit and bridle 2 gp 1 lb.
Carriage 100 gp 600 lb.
Cart 15 gp 200 lb.
Chariot 250 gp 100 lb.
Feed (per day) 5 cp. 10 lb.
Exotic 60 gp 40 lb.
Military 20 gp 30 lb.
Pack 5 gp 15 lb.
Riding 10 gp 25 lb.
Saddlebags 4 gp 8 lb.
Sled 20 gp 300 lb.
Stabling (per day) 5 sp (Small-Large)
50 sp (Huge)
10 gp (Gargantuan)
Wagon 35 gp 400 lb.

Rowed/Propelled Vehicles

Rowed Vessels. Keelboats and rowboats are used on lakes and rivers. If going downstream, add the speed of the current (typically 3 miles per hour) to the speed of the vehicle. These vehicles can’t be rowed against any significant current, but they can be pulled upstream by draft animals on the shores.   Crew. Most self-propelling vehicles need a crew of skilled hirelings to function. As per the Player's Handbook, one skilled hireling costs at least 2 gp per day. The minimum number of skilled hirelings needed to crew a vehicle depends on the type of vessel.   Passengers. The table indicates the number of Small and Medium passengers the vehicle can accommodate on top of the required crew. Accommodations consist of shared hammocks in tight quarters. A vehicle outfitted with private accommodations can carry one-fifth as many passengers. A passenger is usually expected to pay 5 sp per day for a hammock, but prices can vary from ship to ship. A small private cabin usually costs 2 gp per day.   Damage Threshold. Some vehicles have immunity to all damage unless they take an amount of damage equal to or greater than their damage threshold, in which case they take damage as normal. Any damage that fails to meet or exceed the damage threshold is considered superficial and doesn't reduce the vehicle's hit points.   Repairs. Repairs to a damaged ship can be made while the vessel is berthed, if an air or water vehicle. Repairing 1 hit point of damage requires 1 day and costs 20 gp for materials and labor.  

Water Vehicles

Vehicle Cost Speed Crew Passengers Cargo (tons) AC & HP Damage Threshold
Keelboat 3,000 gp 1 mph 1 6 1/2 15
Rowboat 50 gp 11/2 mph 1 3 - 11


Cover image: by もの久保