

In the savannas and scrublands of Ithara, the gigantic majnun is king. With no need to hide their identities, these tyrannosaurs are adorned in sunset-hued feathers that gleam in the Itharan sun. Their great speed and strength are paired with a powerful internal fire: majnun can breathe a cone of flame from their mouths and, in short bursts, can even superheat their claws and the spikes along their bodies. Mercifully, majnun are not exceptionally aggressive as long as their territory is respected. They mark their territory with their scorching claws, creating charred furrows in earth and rock.  
A majnun’s parts are highly valuable, especially outside of Ithara. Their heat-resistant hides and fire-conductive spikes are priceless when making equipment, and their massive feathers are an ostentatious status symbol due to the difficulty of obtaining them. A fertilized egg could rival the value of some Itharan technology.



80 years
Average Height
40 feet
Average Length
60 feet
Geographic Distribution

Cover image: by Anthony Avon