

Also referred to in ancient texts as lamassu or shedu, sphinxes are unusual celestial beings that have existed in Ithara since antiquity. Theorized to have been created by ancient Itharan mages as protective entities, but some texts claim they originate from an even older source, perhaps even relating them to the divine figures of Tron Daurat. Now, sphinxes are almost exclusively found in ancient places as time-lost guardians, particularly places where entrances to Ersetu have opened up. Sphinxes almost always have a humanoid head, but their quadrupedal bodies take on the shapes of lions, eagles, and bulls, and all have gorgeous wings. Particularly powerful sphinxes have an innate connection to the stars, and constellations can be found gleaming along their bodies.
Different varieties of sphinxes often have unique specializations, with animal-headed sphinxes more often acting as loyal sentries with physical brutality, and human-headed sphinxes collecting knowledge and lore to safeguard it through the passage of time. Sphinxes rarely have an interest in interacting with mortal folk, but with the encouragement of treasure or tests of intelligence, some can be persuaded to share their knowledge or act in the modern world.



Average Height
8 feet
Average Length
12 feet
Geographic Distribution

Cover image: by Anthony Avon