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Foxfolk Traits


Creature Type

  You are a Humanoid.    


  Your size is Small.    


  Your walking speed is 30 feet.    

Fox God's Blessing

  You don't receive bonus damage for being backstabbed.  

Foxy Flavor

  Choose one of the following effects:
  • You gain a 30 foot climbing speed.
  • You gain proficiency in Acrobatics.
  • You gain proficiency in Animal Handling.
  • You gain proficiency in Persuasion.
  • Your unarmed attacks deal an additional 1d6 slashing damage.

Fox Flurry

  Bonus Action - Roll Acrobatics. On a 20 or higher, you may take another bonus action this turn and you don't provoke attacks of opportunity until your next turn.    

Fox Claws

  Your unarmed attacks deal an additional 1d6 slashing damage.    

Fox Tail

  Reaction - Whenever a creature enters an adjacent space to you, you may use your reaction to knock them prone. You may only use this ability once per rest.    

Foxfolk happily spread stories of their origins - countless of them, no two the same.