New Playable Species of Ohma

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Ability Score Increases

Playable species in Ohma don't give specific ability score increases. Instead, all new characters either increase one ability score by 2 and another score by 1, or increase three different ability scores by 1. You still cannot raise any score above 20.  


Playable species in Ohma don't give specific language proficiencies. Instead, all new characters are able to speak, read, and write Common and one other language of your choice.  

Character Details

Playable species in Ohma don't specify character details, such as average life span or height. Unless otherwise noted, the physiology of each species varies enough that your character may appear as you wish. Within the bounds of good taste of course; the Raven Queen despises those would abuse her generosity.  

New Playable Species of Ohma

Articles under New Playable Species of Ohma