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Ghost Traits


Creature Type

  You are an Undead.    


  Your size is Small, Medium, or Large.    


  You have a flying speed of 30 feet.    

Afterlife Experience

  You may cast the spell Speak With Dead at will.    

Close to the Grave

  You have disadvantage on death saving throws.    

Ghost Clause

  You cannot attack a creature unless it has attacked you.    


  Whenever you physically interact with another creature or object, you lose your Ghost Clause and Immaterial traits until your next turn.    


  You are immune to nonmagical bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage and may move through creatures and objects.    

Land of the Living

  You lose 100 ONTAP whenever you roll a death saving throw.    

No Rest for the Wicked

  You don't need to sleep, and can maintain light activity throughout a long rest.    

Prospooktus Citizenship

  You have advantage on Intimidation rolls.    

Unfinished Business

  Whenever you would die, you may instead roll death saving throws until your death saving throw count is reset.    


  You are immune to poison damage and being poisoned.    
