Hound Archon

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Hound Archon Traits


Creature Type

  You are a Celestial Humanoid.    


  Your size is Medium.    


  Your walking speed is 40 feet.    

Aura of Menace

  Whenever a hostile creature starts its turn within 10 feet of you, they must pass a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened of you until their next turn. If a creature passes the save they become immune to this ability until you long rest.    

Canine Jaws

  The first unarmed attack you hit with each turn deals an additional 1d12 piercing damage and grapples your target.    

Celestial Scent

  You may detect the alignment of any evil creature within 5 feet of you.    

Hound of Heaven

  You may roll an additional 1d12 on skill rolls made to track a creature you know is evil.    

Mount Celestia's Blessing

  Whenever a creature hits you with an attack, you may roll 1d10 AP.    

Rough Communication

  You may communicate basic ideas to any canine.  

Hound archons are Mount Celestia's most trusted ambassadors.