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Merfolk Traits


Creature Type

  You are a Humanoid.    


  Your size is Medium.    


  Your walking speed is 10 feet.    


  You can breathe air and water.    

Fish Scales

  Your AC is at least 11.    

Fish Speed

  You have a 40 foot swimming speed.  


  You can communicate basic ideas with animals native to an ocean.    

Mer Trickery

  Reaction - Whenever you end your turn with at least half your body submerged in water, you may use your reaction to become invisible until your next turn.  

Mermaid Magic

  Action - Summon a Dolphin in an empty space within 5 feet of you. If a dolphin summoned from this ability would die, it instead reincarnates on the Plane of Water.  

Siren Singer

  You have advantage on Performance rolls.    

One of Poseidon's proudest creations.